A Humiliating Movement. I Mean Moment.

When you get married, let’s be honest, you have no idea what you are getting into. When you are all googly-eyed and in love, floating down that aisle on your father’s arm, watching your groom beam at you, you never think you will one day tearfully (okay, hysterically) say to him in a hospital room after you’ve just birthed him a child:

“I’m just really scared I’m not going to be able to poop.”

And you never dream he will say in return:

“Honey, let’s just get you a suppository.”

Ah, sooo romantic. The stuff dreams are made of, truly.

But that is exactly what happened after I had my second child. With my first, I’d had an emergency C-section, and suffered an awful complication of surgery, called an ileus, which is a paralyzed bowel. Basically, I couldn’t poop or pass gas. I swelled up ’til I looked like I was nine months pregnant again and I was in agonizing pain (and also, I had a giant incision in my gut. So.) The pain was much, much worse than my actual labor pains when I’d been trying to push Joshua out.

So, after I had Sophie, and had another C-section, I was terrified of getting an ileus again. So I tearfully took my husband’s advice, got a suppository from the nurse (what a fun job. Why does anyone want to do that??), pooped, and -voila! – no ileus! Made recovery much, much better.

Fast forward three days. We are at the pediatrician’s with baby Sophie to get results from a blood test to check her bilirubin levels as she was a wee bit jaundiced when we’d left the hospital. Sophie’s doctor is checking her over and asking all the routine newborn questions, when he looks up at me and says:

“And how have the bowel movements been?”

I stuttered a bit. “Um, well…I’ve only had a couple.”

He looked at me quizzically and then – he couldn’t help it – stifled a laugh.

“That’s great,” he said, “but I was asking about the baby.”

(Ohhhhh. RIGHT. Not EVERYONE was obsessed with MY bowel movements. In my post-partum and vicodin-induced haze, I’d forgotten.)

I just started laughing – I laughed, I cried. It hurt my incision to laugh but I couldn’t stop! My husband was laughing too – why? Because my answer made perfect sense to him. He was also still a tad preoccupied with my bowel movements.

Now that’s love, isn’t it?

(I still can’t look the kids’ doctor square in the eye.)

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2008: A Year in Review

2008 was a great year for Emily and I and Mommin’ It Up! Em had a baby, I got my eyebrows waxed, and we launched our review blog! In case you missed any of it, I picked out a favorite post from each month of 2008…I hope you’ll join my trip down memory lane and read them all. Happy New Year everyone! We love and appreciate all of you!

January: I scare the meter reader and deal with mystery turd #1

February: Emily has a good laugh at my expense. Or lack of expense.

March: Emily and I hit the brand-new IKEA store in our area. And ALMOST buy the correct items!

April: Emily pops out baby Sammy, and more importantly, I don’t have to wait any longer to know if it’s a boy or a girl. GEEZ.

May: A kid on Kate’s t-ball team makes the best blog fodder. EVAH.

June: Emily smokes crack, and is therefore a much more fun mommy than I am.

July: Mystery Turd 2: Electric Boogaloo! Nancy Drew tries to solve the case.

August: An old lady pisses Emily off. Watch out, Grandma!

September: We got a hurricane in Ohio. It was WEIRD. And windy.

October: I FINALLY wean Sophie at 23 months. Oy.

November: Emily and Oprah are like twinsies. And also 83-year-old ladies are smart.

December: My lady business is perfect. (According to my OB-GYN. I’m just sayin’.)

I had way too much fun putting this together. I must say Emily and I crack me up! So…at least that’s one of us…I hope you all reminisce with me and have a laugh too!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s make 2009 a great one!

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No Dew, Day 2

Yesterday I did surprisingly well in my quest to give up the sauce (which for me is Mountain Dew). I got my hair cut, my brows waxed (again, I am now an eyebrow whore), had coffee and water, and was generally ok.

Today, however has been a different story. I started off my day by weighing myself for motivation. I haven’t weighed myself in like, well, forever. It’s been a long time. At least six months, I’d say, but probably more than that. I was not surprised, but I was disappointed to see that I’ve gained six pounds since the last time I weighed in. So…that was good motivation for me to keep going. I did Pilates this morning for the first time in over a year (I know, I am TERRIBLE!) and I was humbled by not being able to properly do exercises that used to be quite simple for me. Let’s just say I am feeling my core! I was reminded that I really actually like Pilates (as much as it is possible for me to like exercise) so that was good.

So, anyhoo, I was doing fine, until after lunch when Joshua announced, “MOM! Sophie smells like POOP!” I chased her down and laid her on the floor to change her…and when I pulled off her pants, somehow my right leg became COVERED in poop from knee to ankle. It. was. SO. GROSS. Needless to say, Soph was also a huge mess. It took me like 27 wipes to clean her up. And Joshua kept asking me questions about his train track the entire time until I had to SCREAM at him, which I love doing, to get him to stop. I promise you I asked him nicely at least twice to shut it until I was done de-turding his sister. You’ll just have to believe me.

Anyways, after disposing of the mound of diaper/wipes/poop, putting my clothes and Soph’s in the washer, running around my house pantsless, and getting new clothes for both of us, I REALLY wanted a Mountain Dew.

I had to settle for a Diet Sunkist. Didn’t *quite* do the trick. So I’m jonesing…but I wasn’t about to put the kids in the car to go get a Dew, so I guess I am not too desperate…yet.

(Oh! PS! I posted a new giveaway on Reviewin’ It Up! today. It’s a small one but very fun! Go check it out! And keep checking back because we will have giveaways there almost every week!)

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