I’m Pretty Much the Gold Standard

Yesterday I went to my OB-GYN for my yearly pap (men stop reading here) and when my doctor was done with my exam she said, “Well, my dear, you’re perfect.”

Perfect? Really?

This brings up two questions:

1) Was she referring to my lady business? ‘Cause she’s seen a lot of that in her line of work, so you know, she can make a fair comparison.

2) Do you think she says that to all the girls?

Just wonderin’…

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25 Replies to “I’m Pretty Much the Gold Standard”

  1. lol, I think that is the equivalent to “everything looks good here sport” concerning the medical view of you va-jay-jay šŸ˜‰

    very funny miss gold standard

  2. Ok, I have to tell you guys this. Almost 20years ago I was getting my pap done and when I laid down, I saw a picture of Tom Selick on the ceiling. I asked the doctor why it was up there and I kid you not, he said, “It saves on lubricant.”
    Don’t worry, he’s retired now.

  3. OMG. Once again, I am reminded of the comparison your brothers draw between a bone and your self-esteem. You break it, and it comes back stronger.

  4. May I point out a blessing from having two c-sections… you aren’t all stretched out “down there.” haha.

    Now when I go, and I’m not told that I am perfect (even though I might just be… but my ob-gyn may not be as generous with the compliments), I am going to be jealous of you!

  5. I’ll never forget the instructions that were given to John while I was being sewed up after puching Mitchell out. My doctor looks at John and says “don’t try this thing out again for about 6 weeks!”

  6. p.s
    momo fali says “My friends and I are SO going to talk about your innards again after reading this!” AGAIN? when was the first time?! hehe

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