It is Finished.

irresistible Soph

Friday I nursed my little Sophie girl for the last time. It was high time, as she is 23 months old, and I’ve been complaining about wanting to wean her on this here blog for months. We had been down to one feeding, only in the morning, for two weeks, and I knew that with my husband home on Saturday, I could just hide (a.k.a. SLEEP IN) in the morning and avoid nursing her that way. So that’s what we did, and it worked just fine. She tried to nurse once in the afternoon but I just told her “all done” and cuddled her while she fussed. She got over it pretty quickly. Sunday we did the same thing, and it wasn’t a problem at all.

Friday morning when I was nursing her, I knew it was more than likely going to be the last time. So I savored it. I stroked her face and her hair and relished her sweetness. Then she finished up, jumped up, and got to the business of playing.

She didn’t know it was going to be the last time. I’m trying not to feel guilty about that. What do you think she would have done if she had known?

I know I should be happy, feel liberated, be elated even. Part of me is all those things. I loooove wearing a regular bra! I look forward to my hormones balancing out and to being able to take an aspirin for goodness sake!

But right now, looking at her, watching her play, listening to her babble, knowing she’s my last baby, it’s all I can do to keep myself from pulling up my shirt and goin’ one more round.

I’m riding the emotional roller coaster and the “off” switch appears to be broken…could someone call a handy carnie and shut this thing down?

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24 Replies to “It is Finished.”

  1. Congratulations!! But your post kinda made me sad about not nursing mine anymore. I thought I was over it, but now I have a few tears in my eyes.

  2. Good for you – both for nursing so long and for gently bringing it to a close over a long period of time.

    As you know I’m still nursing B once a day, maybe twice somedays and we’ve been doing so for quite some time. I’m hoping to do something similar the week of Thanksgiving when DH and I are off work for the week. She’ll be 23 1/2 months at that point. Your post gives me courage to make my plans happen.

  3. I only nursed for nine months, but I understand… I think every mom does! And don’t fret — there will be many many special mommy-Sophie moments to come 🙂 Change is always hard, especially when it involves a growing-up baby… We are all hugging you right now!

  4. I understand exactly how you feel. I weaned Claire (who will be 2 on the 30th) when she was 14 months, and I remember thinking, “this is it.” Those last babies are the hardest, knowing you’ll never experience it again. And yet, what a celebration to see them grow up and learn new things as well. Take care and shed a few tears if you need to. =)

  5. I remember with my first baby when I stopped nursing him, coming down from the happy nursing hormones was awful! I didn’t want to be touched, didn’t want to be talked to, I was pissy all the time – hope you have an easier time with that aspect of it!

  6. First of all- CONGRATULATIONS! It’s so rare these days to find mommas nursing past 6 months…if they make it that far!

    We are at 9 months with my third child and I love every moment of it. Sure there are times when I’m exhausted and love to just sleep in but then when I hear his little cry- oh be still my heart!

    Sometimes I look forward to what you just went through as it’s another milestone reached- but then….

  7. P was a self-weaner, one day at fourteen months, she’d had enough and there was no going back.

    I had planned to nurse for a little longer and the stop was abrupt, but I guess she knew it was time for her.

    I do miss it from time to time, especially now that she’s so big and busy at 2.

    Big hug Mom!

  8. I am also getting ready to wean my younger child, my last baby. I keep putting it off. We are down to one session per day and I can’t decide when to cut it off. I don’t want to mourn the loss!

  9. At 6 months, yes just 6 months, my son weaned himself. It was devasting for me. I planned on min. a year, poss longer. I remember the sweetness of the moments with him. Oh to go back, but thanks God for what I had at those moments.

  10. I’m planning to wean my son in a couple of months–at a year old. This post makes me sad–I look at him now and worry he won’t need me after this, but my hubby says he’ll always need me….

    Kudos to you for keeping this up for so long, and I hope you get to feeling like yourself soon.

  11. I loved this post. I’m both looking forward to the day/ dreading the day that I can post this on my blog! Although, at 14 months, and 3-4 feedings a day, I’m nowhere near at that point yet. I think I want to be, but I imagine I’ll feel just the same way you did!

  12. I just found your blog on the google search engine and saw a few of your other posts that you had done . I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the great work. i will Look forward to reading more from you again.

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