God Bless My Virgin Eyebrows

Tomorrow I am going to do something that I’ve said on many occasions that I would never do unless it was absolutely necessary.

I’m going to get my eyebrows waxed.

That’s right, I’m *cough* 31 years old and I’ve never had my eyebrows waxed. I’ve never even plucked or tweezed a single hair. Why? Because up until now, my eyebrows have been perfect specimens. (Are you buying that?? Cause it is not true.) The truth is, I am a major wimp. MAJOR. Low pain tolerance, scared of everything, just plain wimpy. So, I declared that I would never pluck, tweeze, or wax the ol’ brows until they became the ol’ BROW, singular. Even though my hairdresser tried to get me to let her wax them every time I got a haircut. I would not bow to the peer pressure.

Then last week, I looked in the mirror, and I saw this:

Those extra hairs sprouting out there towards the middle are NEW, and I don’t like them. And now, since I’m the editor at Blissful Style, and I have a reputation to uphold, and I need to at least fake like I’m fashionable, and since I have no desire to look like the Wolfman, I’M GETTING THESE BABIES RIPPED OFF!

And I’m TERRIFIED!! Seriously, are any of you available at 12:45 tomorrow to be there and hold my hand (AND/OR administer me an epidural?? Cause I really want one!) Emily won’t do it since she already blew off work yesterday. Talk about a fair-weather cousin. Sheesh.

While I am there, I am also going to get my hair cut, because I haven’t gotten it cut since, um, July, and as you can see in this picture, the too-long-too-thick-out-of-shape MOP look isn’t really working for me. (Although I think the goofy face really is.)

So there you have the “Before” pictures. As soon as the bleeding stops, the swelling goes down, and the stitches come out, I’ll be sure and post the “After” pics!

Pray for me!

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28 Replies to “God Bless My Virgin Eyebrows”

  1. It’s actually not that bad. I had them waxed when I was in the audience during the People’s Choice Awards several years ago – and I don’t remember it being toooo painful.


  2. The first time I had mine done they bled. Sorry. It doesn’t really hurt too much though. Really. Can’t wait to see the “new” jenny!!

  3. Good luck! I’ve never done anything to mine, either. Of course, mine are super blond, and mostly hidden underneath my bangs. And as long as they stay that way, I’m not touching them. With anything. Wax or tweezers. Waxing scares me!

  4. Have them threaded! It is the great thing. This lady comes to my office, holds thread in her hand and one end in her mouth. It takes longer but not near as painful as waxing. But waxing isn’t that painful. Good luck with loseing you virginity!

  5. I am sure you knew that being a Brads, you would eventually have to do something. You might want to try getting them threaded, apparently it is less painful…not that I know…having and keeping the “manly unibrow” and all!!

  6. Oh cousin, I wish I could go. I would love to be there to make fun of you. I mean, to offer support. Right, support.

  7. I’m brunette, 45, and have never done mine. I recently watched a friend of mine penciling in her brow. She was amazed that I didn’t have to. When we were younger, the whole twiggy thing made everyone go pencil thin, and now they have none. I guess I’m a natural sort of person. The “God made me this way,” not that I couldn’t use improvement in some areas. Quality control and all. If it makes you happy, do it. But think about the down the road thing, just in case. If you tweeze, you have the control. It is scary handing that control over to another and waiting to be handed a mirror. Good luck.

  8. Just a word of caution. Make sure they don’t take too much off the ends over the nose (terminology fail). Kelly complained for months after a wax that they took too much off and it took a long time to grow back. She had to use a pencil to fill them in until they did. The ends should be right over the inside corner of the eye, right?

  9. Epidural! lol I love ya Jenny!

    I get mine waxed a few times a year, when they starting looking like wee little caterpillars! lol Yes, it does hurt, but it isn’t as painful as tweezing to me. Every time I try to tweeze them I start sneezing like crazy and just want to cry. At least this way it’s one fell swoop and they’re done. And someone else has to pull that baby off, I’d never be able to do that!

    Funny story, I got mine waxed right before I had the new babe. 5 year old daughter was with me and wanted to sit on my lap & hug. So the lady doing my brows says sure, go ahead and sit on mommy’s lap and hug her. So she does and she’s wiggling around and being her usual goofy self. I was soooooooooo terrified that she would make me move and I would lose my eyebrows. That would’ve been a pretty site. 9 months pregnant and missing an eyebrow! lol

    Good luck!

  10. Good luck girl!!

    To be quite honest, it’s the anticipation that kills me!! Laying in the chair waiting….once it’s done…I can’t believe I fretted about it!

  11. Dear Jenny,
    Really, it’s NOT that bad! Remember that episode on Friends when Joey got his eyebrow waxed? That scared me for a long time. I was never in the Unibrow Club, but when I finally did it, it was no big deal. Zip-zip, done! Quick & fast. Way better than tweezing. Good luck! You can do it!!! 🙂 Hali

  12. I’m not a waxer, I’m a tweezer… I have a tweezer in my van and pluck them while I am waiting for Faith to get out of school. How sad is that?

  13. It’s not so bad. Maybe for the first time you could just get the middle done. I was just looking at mine this morning and thinking it was about time to get it done again.

  14. Jenny, you know you just made everybody that read this post run to the mirror to check their brows….or was that just me? You are going to be pleased…I’m sure of it.

  15. I’ve never had mine waxed either but I pluck all the time. The best time to pluck is in the car…I swear the sunlight is always good there.

    Good Luck!

  16. Krisha, in reviewing the “before” pictures of the ferrits on your face(Krisha’s words)did look at your funny face picture and say, “Oh my gosh, she looks so young!”

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