Yes, this IS My Life.

Yesterday at 10 a.m. the city water meter-reader knocked on my door. “Kee-rap.” I thought to myself. Why? Well, for one, a huge bill always shows up about a week after he’s been here, but the REAL reason is that I was still rockin’ my pajamas and bathrobe, unwashed face, and crazy bed-hair ponytail. It’s not that I want to impress the meter-reader, but I’d rather NOT be the funny story he tells at dinnertime. So, I cheerfully showed him the meter, thanked him, and wished him a nice day as if it were the most normal thing in the world for me to be dressed that way (which it is, unfortunately). Then I closed the door behind him and had a good laugh at myself!!

A few minutes later, Joshua, who was still rockin’ his Spiderman sleeper, wandered up to me. He was fingering the bottom of his sleeper leg just below his calf. What he said baffled me. Are you ready? Here goes:

Joshua: Mommy, I have a little piece of poop in my pants. Would you like to see it?
Me: What??? Did you poop your pants?
Joshua: (very indignant!) No, I said I have a little piece of POOP IN MY PANTS!

I hustled him to the bathroom, peeled off his sleeper, and discovered he did indeed have a very small, hard turd in the leg of his pants. How it got out of his underwear, I do not want to know. After giving him the “tell-mommy-when-you-need-to-poop” lecture and stripping him and washing his hands veeeery thoroughly, I got him dressed and quizzed him on what exactly had transpired. He seemed as confused about the event as I was.

Ah, well. Scaring the meter-reader and solving poop mysteries. It’s all in a day’s work around here! Can’t wait to see what today holds!

(P.S. Emily text messaged me last night that she is safely in Florida!)

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9 Replies to “Yes, this IS My Life.”

  1. We love poop stories! And this is a great one! Isn’t it fun being a mom? And all the fun things you get to do? I have to be honest, your life sounds like fun! Love your blog!

  2. My favorite part of the meter reader coming to my house is always having to shove laundry out of the way and move all the junk we keep putting in front of the meter, even though we know its there. I just keep thinking the whole time – he has to see worse every day. Please tell me he sees worse every day!

  3. The UPS dude doesn’t even bother knocking on my door most days. He knocks softly and then just leaves it. And the only reason he knocks is basically my own little soft alarm lol. But he doesn’t wait. Which I like. lol. And the meter reader? Forget it…I’m not even sure they come to the house, for all I know, they make up our numbers lol

  4. My daughter was caught today sitting on her Dora potty seat…in the SINK! Never ever a dull moment! By the way…I am now the proud owner of 40 boxes of Huggies baby wipes! I have you to thank for the Target tip!

  5. LOL – seriously. the poop story did me in. hi-larious. 🙂

    also, being the queen of bargains you probably already know about this, but i’m going to share anyway. i recently learned that you can get a large “hot and ready” pizza (cheese or pepperoni) from little caesar’s for $5. not a bad deal for a fast and easy dinner! 🙂 we had it tonight.

  6. HAHA “Would you like to see it?” – how considerate of him. It would be too presumptuous to simply show you without consent. (BTW, this is BusyDad’s alter ego who takes over every Fri nite).

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