My Uphill, er, UpMountain Battle

Mama Loves Dew

I am out of Mountain Dew. Usually, thanks to CVS, I keep my kitchen stocked with Dew. We have a fridge pack in the fridge at all times and usually three or four waiting in the wings. But tonight, I drank my last one, and I have no more.

And I’m scared, because I am seriously addicted to the stuff. I start to twitch for it when I get out of the shower in the morning. As soon as I’m dressed, I run to the fridge and pop one open. The green, sugary, cold goodness makes me happy and soothes my nerves.

Then around 5 or so, I’m itching for another, if I haven’t gotten stressed out and had one in the afternoon. I try to limit myself to two a day, but a lot of times, I drink three a day.

But now that I’ve weaned Sophie, I’m not burning those good ol’ nursing calories anymore, and all that sugary, calorie-rich Dew is going straight to my love handles. I’ve got to appear at BlissDom in 5 weeks and I don’t want to look all jiggly. So, I’m hitting Pilates and giving up Dew.

But can I DO (and not Dew) it!? I don’t know! I’ve never had a lot of willpower. And…I don’t really WANT to quit. I want to drink it all day long and have it be good for me. But it’s not.

Crap. Its after midnight, so today is my first Dew-less day. I feel very sorry for my poor children and my husband. I am afraid this is gonna get ugly…but hopefully my body will get prettier!

As I write this, I am getting the shakes just thinking about it going without mah DEW. Gotta go program the coffee maker so I can at least have some caffeine…even if it’s not cold, green and sugary. *Sigh*.

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20 Replies to “My Uphill, er, UpMountain Battle”

  1. Ok… I read it and now I can really comment. Believe it or not, I’ve weaned myself off of Dr. Pepper. Jenny is to Mountain Dew like Lori is to Pepper (except I think my addiction was worse). Anyway, I just got bottled water and used that as my substitute. Having something there to readily quench my thirst helped TREMENDOUSLY! I miss it, and I still treat myself to a can every now and then, but I’m not drinking the SIX (or 7 or 8) cans a day that I was up to in the past. Good luck, my dear friend. If you need me to talk you through it call me.

  2. Well if you’re going to quit anything, best to have a goal in mind. Of course, if you do what I do, you manage to quit until after said event and then slide right back into whatever bad habit you just gave up.

    Good luck!

  3. Just like smoking. Start with going 3 days without it. Then a week. Then 2 weeks….

    And be prepared for the inevitable headaches with lots of Advil.

    And have lots of other stuff to drink on hand.

    Good luck!!!

  4. An alternative to help you wean without the complete withdraw, you could try to step to diet Dew. Not the same, but at least a lot less calories. Then, switch to caffeine free Diet Dew. That should be easier to give up, after all, it’s just a bunch of chemicals with artificial sweetener and no caffeine kick…yum!

    I have no willpower myself. Of course, if it’s not in the house, its harder to give in…watch eating out or when you walk by those coolers of 20 oz sodas…they might suck you in.

  5. More power to you…but I don’t think I could do give up Mountain Dew completely! Maybe you could allow yourself the dew only when you eat out, of course you’ll need to find a place the serves Pepsi products and not Coke, which can be hard to find! Good luck!!

  6. Good luck!! I’ve quit Dr. Pepper so many times, but within a couple months I somehow end up addicted again!!! I’m planning on trying to just have my morning coffee here soon, but Dave says he wants to be deployed again before I mess with no caffeine (as he was the last time I successfully did it). Oh well…maybe one day we’ll be free of the sugar!

  7. if it gets too hard maybe have one diet dew a day! I love diet dew…also drinking hot green tea helps with weight loss and the slow sippind distracts you (take it from an addict) 🙂

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