We Couldn’t Have Imagined.

According to Jenny, depository of all obscure dates in history, last Tuesday was our third blogiversary.

Can you believe it’s been three years? I know. I can’t either. So many of you have been here since the beginning, and I can’t tell you how much that means to us.

Thinking about our blogiversary got me to thinking about how this whole debacle started, and how many cool things have come of it.

Three years ago, I suggested we start a blog for two reasons. 1) We cracked ourselves up, and 2) I wanted to get Jenny off my back about the book I knew we’d never have time to get around to writing.

Back then, we had no idea what we were doing.

(And we totally do now, in case you were wondering. Yep, we really have our act together. Or something.)

We barely knew what a blog was, let alone what possibilities lay ahead.

We couldn’t have imagined the opportunities that would come our way. The trips we would take, the people we would meet, the friends we would make (too many to link, but you know who you are), the fun we would have.

It still kind of amazes me, to be honest.

Three years ago, we couldn’t have imagined using this blog to welcome Sammy into the world, and we certainly couldn’t have imagined that Jenny would blog her way through her third pregnancy.

We couldn’t have imagined that this blog would bring us closer to each other – we would have said it was impossible. We couldn’t have imagined that it would connect us to friends and family all over the country.

But perhaps most importantly, we couldn’t have imagined how incredible it would be to have a record of our lives. The good times and the bad, the fun-filled days and the sleepless nights. The funny things our kids said and our most embarrassing moments, the potty-training trials and the first days of school.

We couldn’t have imagined any of it. But I’m so thankful for it all.

Happy blogiversary, Cousin! I can’t imagine anyone I’d rather make fun of write a blog with. Love you!

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17 Replies to “We Couldn’t Have Imagined.”

  1. You made me cry, nerd! Of course I am emotionally unstable. I love you! Wouldn’t trade this last 3 years for the world!

  2. also since it’s our blogiversary and all, I think you, all our faithful readers, should DE-LURK and leave us a comment today!!

  3. No de-lurking necessary on my part. I love ya’ll and make sure I make myself known and heard whenever given the chance!!!

    So, so happy to have found ya’ll. And that I can call you both friends!!!

    Happy Blogiversary!!! XOXO

  4. Congrats on the anniversary. But isn’t it six years? And thanks to you both and a few of your friends who suggested that I take UP blogging as well. If you hadn’t, I in all probability would not have either!

    It’s a great experience, ofcourse, I don’t get the trips, clothes, swag, etc. But I’ve made so many new cyber friends. I hope to get to meet some of them soon!


    1. UP, we’ve only been blogging since 2007. The “Since 2004” reviews to how long we’ve been mommies. Therefore, that is how long we’ve been mommin’ it up…before we were Mommin’ It Up! 🙂

  5. Congrats you two! I have the privilege to know both of you. You really are great women! Plus, you’re outrageously funny and I can always count on Mommin’ It Up! for a laugh when the day has been less than perfect!

  6. Well, Happy Blogiversary! I’m a newbie, but am loving it! I love the fact that you update so OFTEN too! There are other blogs I find inspiring, funny, and get a lot of great ideas from, but this one just feels like “home.” You’re funny, brutally honest, but more importantly, REAL. I never feel you’re putting on airs or only the good days. As a mom myself, it’s nice to read about other mom’s who feel like they lose thier minds at times too! Maybe I’m not so crazy after all! (Just don’t ask my husband, he may not have that same opinion! lol) Great job ladies- you’re simply FABULOUS! 🙂

  7. Happy Bloggyversary to two of my inspirations to begin blogging myself. You’ve been indispensable in your kindness and help. From URLs to Fashion advice to conference virginity, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And thanks for making me laugh via MiU. You’re gems.

  8. You two are the wittiest and prettiest! It was a MOMentous decision to start your blog.

  9. Thank you for being part of my daily routine for the past three years! I have laughed, cried, been hit close to home, sometimes completely grossed out, been given way too much information on the bodily functions of Jenny’s kids (whom I love 🙂 ) encouraged and given hope each and everyday! Keep up the good work ladies!

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