The Turd that Broke the Camel’s Back

If you’re a regular Mommin’ It Up reader (and really, why wouldn’t you be?), you know it took me just shy of 493 years to potty train my son Joshua. I gave up a couple of times, and re-started, but the FIRST time I gave up, for the longest period of time, was last September when Joshua was about 30 months old and I was about seven & a half months pregnant with my daughter.

Let me tell you about the day I finally realized the boy just wasn’t ready. I was preparing to take a shower, and I thought I’d be a genius and bring his little potty chair in the bathroom and remove his pants in case he had to go while I was getting clean. I did just that and then got in the shower. A few minutes into it when I’ve got shampoo in my hair, I hear him say, “I don’t have to go potty.” Translation: “I REALLY have to go potty but I don’t want to sit on the potty.” I stuck my head out of the shower. He had “that look” in his eye. You know, the look that signifies that a bowel movement is imminent and unstoppable. Here’s how it went down:

Me: Joshua, do you have to go potty?
Joshua: No, I don’t have to!
Me: Joshua, sit on the potty!
Joshua: No I don’t have to!
Joshua: I don’t have to go potty!

Joshua then proceeded to brace himself against his play table that we kept in the bathroom to entertain him, get wide-eyed and red faced, shake, grunt, and push out the biggest turd I have ever seen. I mean it was like, half the child’s body weight. It shot out of him with incredible force and broke into several pieces on the bathroom floor.

Did I mention I was 7.5 months pregnant, and soaking wet, with shampoo in my hair?

It was at that moment as I gazed with soap-filled eyes upon the many pieces of turd on my bathroom floor, and my little boy’s astonished face, that I realized this child was NOT going to be potty trained before the second child came along! So I rinsed my hair, jumped (okay, lumbered) out of the shower, toweled off my ginormous body, and cleaned up the turd. Then I put a diaper on my son and put potty training on the shelf, deciding I’d much rather clean poop off my kid’s behind than off my bathroom floor!

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8 Replies to “The Turd that Broke the Camel’s Back”

  1. I couldnt stop laughing through this whole thing. Not laughing at you, but with you because I watch my nephews all day long everyday and I am trying to potty train the 29 month old and this is FAR too familiar!!! Youre not alone! Except im not 7 months preggo….bless you!!

  2. That is the funnest story, ever! I totally sat at my desk and cried! I am glad I have a little more time before I get to go through that!

  3. Hello,
    Saw your post at cafe mom.
    I had the same thing happen only I was not in the shower.

    It was one of those times he just got off the potty, and he stared at me, leaned on the bathroom cabinet, and proceeded to pee! Then he walked out the bathroom, bared down and pooped outside my brother’s room!

    I totally took this as he’s ready!!! So I proceeded to potty train! There were times that I was going to go crazy, but it’s been 2 months and this morning, he got off the bed and waddled over to the bathroom. I was barely awake and I had to wake up to put him on the toilet. Then he peed!!


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