Girlfriends are the New Black

I have been trying to post something about BlissDom for over an hour. And apparently, I’m not quite ready to put it into words yet! It was fun, amazing, sweet, wonderful, and so much more. The best part was just spending time with lady bloggers that I LOVE. So courtesy of Flickr’s Valentine’s Day effects, here are some photos of the weekend. A more profound recap is coming soon, I promise!

cousins rock!
Cousin love! Emily and me all dressed up for the Thursday night cocktail party.

a weekend with these two is a bed of roses
Cortney, Emily, and me in line to see Harry Connick, Jr. who performed for us. The weekend with these two was a bed of roses! Seriously spending time with them in the car and in our room was one of the highlights of the weekend for sure.

I heart Katie
One of 2009’s gifts to me, the beautiful, funny, talented Katie of Domestic Debacle.

I LOVE Lotus!
The lovely Lotus. I made her cry because I blubbered everywhere and told her that because I’d read her blogs about depression, I knew I could write about mine. I *love* her. And she’s HYSTERICAL!

I am a dancing machine

Susan and Shannan make me want to dance, dance, dance! These two Cincy girls are awwwweeesome!

Andrea + Emily = true love
This photo of Andrea (who I have nicknamed SassySnacks after this weekend!) and Emily makes my heart go pitter-patter. So much love!

More to come this week. Thanks so much again to INTEL for sponsoring our attendance at BlissDom! If you haven’t already, go ENTER our contest to win an mbook pocket PC powered by the Intel Atom processor.

For more BlissDom photos, check out my Flickr phototream.

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13 Replies to “Girlfriends are the New Black”

  1. It’s not nerdy uncle paul! she rocks, and so does jenny…so beautiful. I’m so happy when my mom friends enjoy doing the stuff THEY enjoy doing! Mom’s can lose who they r if we r not careful 🙂

  2. So glad ya’ll had a great time. Hearing all the stories and seeing all the pictures makes me so sad that I didn’t go. Next year it’s on, I am not missing the party in 2011!!!

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time and made some incredible friends. And you got to hear Harry Connick Jr. sing too? I’m so jealous! I will have to keep my eye out for this conference next year, it sounds like it was a blast.

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