An anatomy lesson, brought to you by Emily and Jenny

As I have mentioned numerous times on this blog recently, I had a baby shower at my house for my friend Megan Saturday. On Friday, Joshua was watching me as I did some cleaning in preparation for the party. Though I had told him before, he asked me why we were having a party.

“Because Miss Megan’s going to have a baby and we’re going to give her presents she can use for the baby.” I replied.

He thought about that for a second, then out popped THE question: “Mommy, how does the baby get out of the mommy’s tummy?”

I froze, and wished I could hide behind the broom I was holding. “Uh…well… you know how your pee-pee is different than a girl’s pee pee?”

He nods.

“Well, mommies have a special place for a baby to come out where they go pee-pee.”

My answer TOTALLY blew Joshua’s mind. His eyes got HUGE and he jumped a little, like he was startled, and he drew his breath in and made a little – huh! – gasp.

“That’s just the way God made mommies’ bodies, so they can have babies. Isn’t that cool?”

Joshua nodded, still wide-eyed and mute. At this point I was afraid I had scarred the kid for life, so I did whatever I do when I have a serious problem: I ran to my laptop and IMed Emily. The following is our IMversation:

Jenny says: OMG Joshua just asked me how babies get out of the mommy’s tummy

Emily says: tell him the doctor gets them out.
Emily says: and then when he questions you further, tell him they come out where mommy goes potty
Emily says: and then watch the look of revulsion on his face
Emily says: bdtd

Jenny says: i DID tell him it comes out where mommy’s go potty!! and he was SHOCKED!

Emily says: wow, great minds think alike!

Jenny says: his eyes got HUGE

Emily says: Now just wait until he tells Bobby that, and watch the look of shock on HIS face.

Jenny says: hee hee can’t wait!!

I was glad to know that my answer wasn’t too far off what Emily would have said! I tried to get Joshua to tell Bobby about it later that night, but he was NOT saying a word. He did NOT want to talk about it. Then I thought a minute and told him his head was too big too fit out where mommy went pee-pee and the doctor had taken him out of a hole in my tummy. He liked THAT explanation much better. You could totally see the relief on his face. Hilarious!!

So readers, how did you (or will you) answer this question? Because if it hasn’t come up yet… trust us, it will!

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A Humiliating Movement. I Mean Moment.

When you get married, let’s be honest, you have no idea what you are getting into. When you are all googly-eyed and in love, floating down that aisle on your father’s arm, watching your groom beam at you, you never think you will one day tearfully (okay, hysterically) say to him in a hospital room after you’ve just birthed him a child:

“I’m just really scared I’m not going to be able to poop.”

And you never dream he will say in return:

“Honey, let’s just get you a suppository.”

Ah, sooo romantic. The stuff dreams are made of, truly.

But that is exactly what happened after I had my second child. With my first, I’d had an emergency C-section, and suffered an awful complication of surgery, called an ileus, which is a paralyzed bowel. Basically, I couldn’t poop or pass gas. I swelled up ’til I looked like I was nine months pregnant again and I was in agonizing pain (and also, I had a giant incision in my gut. So.) The pain was much, much worse than my actual labor pains when I’d been trying to push Joshua out.

So, after I had Sophie, and had another C-section, I was terrified of getting an ileus again. So I tearfully took my husband’s advice, got a suppository from the nurse (what a fun job. Why does anyone want to do that??), pooped, and -voila! – no ileus! Made recovery much, much better.

Fast forward three days. We are at the pediatrician’s with baby Sophie to get results from a blood test to check her bilirubin levels as she was a wee bit jaundiced when we’d left the hospital. Sophie’s doctor is checking her over and asking all the routine newborn questions, when he looks up at me and says:

“And how have the bowel movements been?”

I stuttered a bit. “Um, well…I’ve only had a couple.”

He looked at me quizzically and then – he couldn’t help it – stifled a laugh.

“That’s great,” he said, “but I was asking about the baby.”

(Ohhhhh. RIGHT. Not EVERYONE was obsessed with MY bowel movements. In my post-partum and vicodin-induced haze, I’d forgotten.)

I just started laughing – I laughed, I cried. It hurt my incision to laugh but I couldn’t stop! My husband was laughing too – why? Because my answer made perfect sense to him. He was also still a tad preoccupied with my bowel movements.

Now that’s love, isn’t it?

(I still can’t look the kids’ doctor square in the eye.)

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2008: A Year in Review

2008 was a great year for Emily and I and Mommin’ It Up! Em had a baby, I got my eyebrows waxed, and we launched our review blog! In case you missed any of it, I picked out a favorite post from each month of 2008…I hope you’ll join my trip down memory lane and read them all. Happy New Year everyone! We love and appreciate all of you!

January: I scare the meter reader and deal with mystery turd #1

February: Emily has a good laugh at my expense. Or lack of expense.

March: Emily and I hit the brand-new IKEA store in our area. And ALMOST buy the correct items!

April: Emily pops out baby Sammy, and more importantly, I don’t have to wait any longer to know if it’s a boy or a girl. GEEZ.

May: A kid on Kate’s t-ball team makes the best blog fodder. EVAH.

June: Emily smokes crack, and is therefore a much more fun mommy than I am.

July: Mystery Turd 2: Electric Boogaloo! Nancy Drew tries to solve the case.

August: An old lady pisses Emily off. Watch out, Grandma!

September: We got a hurricane in Ohio. It was WEIRD. And windy.

October: I FINALLY wean Sophie at 23 months. Oy.

November: Emily and Oprah are like twinsies. And also 83-year-old ladies are smart.

December: My lady business is perfect. (According to my OB-GYN. I’m just sayin’.)

I had way too much fun putting this together. I must say Emily and I crack me up! So…at least that’s one of us…I hope you all reminisce with me and have a laugh too!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s make 2009 a great one!

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