My Baby’s Almost Two! What’s a Mom to Do?

joyful, joyful

Sophia Diane will be two in just ten days. TEN DAYS!?! How is that possible? When she was a crazy baby, Bobby would always say, “I can’t wait til she’s 2! Then she’ll be so much easier to deal with.” Hmm…sort of. Since that statement, and all our parenting assumptions in general were based on our experience with Joshua, the World’s Easiest Baby/Toddler, that hasn’t *exactly* panned out. But she is finally talking more, FINALLY weaned, and she has been sleeping really well through the night for almost a year now.
So she is getting to be more like a little person, and she is as SWEET as can be, my friends. Sweet as sugar. (Except for when she’s screaming her head off in a chicken costume while we’re trying to get ready for trick-or-treat. Then she’s just SCARY. See?)

scary chicken

Not that any of this matters. What REALLY matters, mah peeps, is WHAT THE HECK KIND OF CAKE AM I GOING TO MAKE HER FOR HER BIRTHDAY!?!?!?

Yes, it’s time for my yearly Birthday Cake Freak Out!

Because, as we all know:

The amount of time and effort you put into the birthday cake = how much you love your child.

Right, Emily?

So HALP ME, Peeps! What kind of cake should I make?

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Weekly (Hallo)Winners Oct. 26-Nov. 1

I’m finally back after weeks of photo-slackin’! Here are some more photos I took of Emily’s and my kiddos trick-or-treating. I hope you enjoy! All my photos were taken with my Sony Alpha 300k DSLR.

Joshua, half-boy, half-hulk:
half-boy, half-hulk

Kate ponders being a princess:

pondering princess

Joshua makes his getaway:

the getaway

Sophie is beautiful even when she’s melancholy:

deep thoughts

And Sammy, well – he pretty much needs to be on the cover of every parenting magazine out there! Look at this kid!

sammy sweetheart

that's how sam rolls!

seriously sammy

For more Weekly Winners, head over to visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom!

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Beggar’s Night and a Brow Wax, Woo-hoo!

Tonight we had a great time as usual at Emily’s house for Beggar’s Night! Well, everyone but Sophie that is. She had to pull a few Diva tricks and act like she HATED wearing her chicken costume and HATED being in her stroller and ya da ya da, but we still managed to have fun! Since she was such a grump, this is the best picture I got of her last night in her chicken suit:

Sophie chicken -none too pleased

I promise you, she was totally adorable! But you’ll have to take my word for it! Joshua and Kate, however were ALL SMILES:

the hulk and snow white!

Sammy was the Poisoned Apple to Kate’s Snow White, and he was the most scrumptious apple ever!! I wanted to eat him up!

this poison apple looks awful sweet to me

Ok, now on to the stuff you REALLY care about!! MY EYEBROWS!!

Well, I am pleased to announce that it hardly hurt at all! Seriously! It was NOTHING! I got all worked up over nothing, basically. So, I am dumb. But we all knew that already, so let’s move on and see thems BROWS, mmkay??? Here is the new, improved version:

new brow

You can see the before picture here. No more hairs underneath where they should be and no more creeping towards the middle! Yay! And here’s my new haircut:

new haircut and got my eyebrows waxed

Take a good look, as it will never look like that again, ’cause I CANNOT flatiron it like that. But I am VERY happy with the cut! Now everyone in the Dayton area, go visit my stylist Janelle and tell her I sent you! She is awesome! She totally kicked booty on the brow wax!

I have lots more great photos of Beggar’s Night that I’ll share on my Weekly Winners post this week. Have a great weekend!

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