Beggar’s Night and a Brow Wax, Woo-hoo!

Tonight we had a great time as usual at Emily’s house for Beggar’s Night! Well, everyone but Sophie that is. She had to pull a few Diva tricks and act like she HATED wearing her chicken costume and HATED being in her stroller and ya da ya da, but we still managed to have fun! Since she was such a grump, this is the best picture I got of her last night in her chicken suit:

Sophie chicken -none too pleased

I promise you, she was totally adorable! But you’ll have to take my word for it! Joshua and Kate, however were ALL SMILES:

the hulk and snow white!

Sammy was the Poisoned Apple to Kate’s Snow White, and he was the most scrumptious apple ever!! I wanted to eat him up!

this poison apple looks awful sweet to me

Ok, now on to the stuff you REALLY care about!! MY EYEBROWS!!

Well, I am pleased to announce that it hardly hurt at all! Seriously! It was NOTHING! I got all worked up over nothing, basically. So, I am dumb. But we all knew that already, so let’s move on and see thems BROWS, mmkay??? Here is the new, improved version:

new brow

You can see the before picture here. No more hairs underneath where they should be and no more creeping towards the middle! Yay! And here’s my new haircut:

new haircut and got my eyebrows waxed

Take a good look, as it will never look like that again, ’cause I CANNOT flatiron it like that. But I am VERY happy with the cut! Now everyone in the Dayton area, go visit my stylist Janelle and tell her I sent you! She is awesome! She totally kicked booty on the brow wax!

I have lots more great photos of Beggar’s Night that I’ll share on my Weekly Winners post this week. Have a great weekend!

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It is Finished.

irresistible Soph

Friday I nursed my little Sophie girl for the last time. It was high time, as she is 23 months old, and I’ve been complaining about wanting to wean her on this here blog for months. We had been down to one feeding, only in the morning, for two weeks, and I knew that with my husband home on Saturday, I could just hide (a.k.a. SLEEP IN) in the morning and avoid nursing her that way. So that’s what we did, and it worked just fine. She tried to nurse once in the afternoon but I just told her “all done” and cuddled her while she fussed. She got over it pretty quickly. Sunday we did the same thing, and it wasn’t a problem at all.

Friday morning when I was nursing her, I knew it was more than likely going to be the last time. So I savored it. I stroked her face and her hair and relished her sweetness. Then she finished up, jumped up, and got to the business of playing.

She didn’t know it was going to be the last time. I’m trying not to feel guilty about that. What do you think she would have done if she had known?

I know I should be happy, feel liberated, be elated even. Part of me is all those things. I loooove wearing a regular bra! I look forward to my hormones balancing out and to being able to take an aspirin for goodness sake!

But right now, looking at her, watching her play, listening to her babble, knowing she’s my last baby, it’s all I can do to keep myself from pulling up my shirt and goin’ one more round.

I’m riding the emotional roller coaster and the “off” switch appears to be broken…could someone call a handy carnie and shut this thing down?

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Brotherly love

Tonight as I was putting Kate to bed, I was thinking about this post, in which I asked all of you lovely readers just what, exactly, having two kids was like.

The responses were mixed (Aunt Diane said it would be lovely, Jenny said it was going to be TORTURE. And yes, that is a direct quote). Now I can see that you were all right.

While there are many, many times I feel like I am in over my head, and so often it’s hard to know exactly what to do first when the baby’s crying and EVERYTHING is an emergency with the four year old, times like tonight make me so thankful that we took a leap of faith and decided to have another baby. (There’s also a post rolling around in my brain about the often-unasked but ever-present question of “How can I love another as much as my first?” but I don’t have the insight for that one at this hour).

Tonight, Sammy and I went in to tell Kate goodnight. I sat down on the edge of her bed, holding Sam, and he dove head first into her lap. This struck her funny and she laughed and laughed as she held her little brother. And Sam, well, he LOVES Kate. He absolutely lights up when she is around, and tonight was no exception. Seeing them bring such joy to each other absolutely warmed my heart.

This love-fest ended abruptly when Kate pushed him off her lap and said “Mom, get him away from me, he looks like he’s going to throw up.” But it was nice while it lasted.

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