A Sure Sign it’s Wean-her Time

I’ve mentioned a few times that my 15-month-old daughter is still nursing with fervor, and that I’d like to wean her realllly soooon. I have promised myself after I get through Joshua’s birthday parties (one down – more on that later!) that I am actually really going to get a plan and try to weiner wean her.

I was assured this was the right thing to do the other day when a little incident occurred while Sophie was nursing. Now Sophie nurses when she gets up in the morning, before her nap and before bed, and whenever the heck else she wants to. So, you know, about 87 times a day. At this particular time, she was just having a little snack, you know, for the fun of it, and had only been nursing for about a minute when she stopped nursing and climbed down off my lap.

“Are you all done?” I asked.

She looked up at me angelically with her big blue eyes, farted loudly three times, climbed back up on my lap, and started nursing again.

Uhhhhh…so. Um, yeah. It’s Wean-her Time!

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