Accessorize! Mom 2.0, part 3

Right before we left for Mom 2.0, Jenny gave me a hard time about getting a spray tan, which gave her the opportunity to express to all of you the shock she’s experienced since Christmas about the fact that I’ve been getting a little more into accessories as of late. I would like to point out, though, that it’s not that I didn’t like accessories before, it’s more that I was not confident in my ability to do accessories right. I’m still not, actually, but I am trying to get better. Fortunately, for Mom 2.0, I turned to Lands’ End’s website to tell me what to do! They have really cute accessories, shoes and bags right now… take a look at the ones we wore in Florida.

Let’s start with handbags, because they’re my favorite.

This is the Canvas and Leather Stripe Medium Tote.

I love this bag so much! I just love the look and style, and I also love the functionality – the sides unzip to provide more space if needed. I took this when Kate and I went to Portland, and it held my iPad and everything I needed for our flights.

Jenny and I also both carried the Linen and Leather Totes.

Here’s Jenny carrying it in red.

Those last two bags are also currently on sale, in case you need a late Mother’s Day present for yourself!

This Straw Market Tote was my traveling bag – it was perfect for the flights, as well as for the conference… plenty of room for my iPad, conference book, notes, etc. And it is so cute!

Ok, let’s move on… how about some shoes??

When we were waiting in the airport for our first flight, I texted this picture to my friend Gina, with the message “I am sort of obsessed with these shoes.” She immediately responded “Adorbs!! I can see why!!”

Those are the Parker Mid Wedge Knotted Espadrilles and they are also on sale right now! I may have to order the gingham ones.

We both wore the Hadley Linen Mid Wedge Quarter Strap Sandals, Jenny in Classic Navy and me in Natural (with red accents).

Gorgeous, and so comfortable.

Another one of my favorites was the Trista Mid Wedge Leather Slingback Espadrilles.

I think I will probably wear these just about every day all summer. They are perfect for work because they are dressy, cute, and extremely comfortable.

Let’s see… what else.

We also both wore the Amelia Embroidered Closed-back Braided Thongs – Jenny wore the white ones and I wore the Luggage Tan ones to the White Party, and I wore the Cayenne to the Friday night beach party. They also come in Gunmetal and Algae, both of which are lovely as well.

We also wore pearls!! Here’s me with the Pearl Torsade Necklace and Jenny with the Fresh Water Pearl Endless Strand Necklace.

And finally… bathing suits. I think you all know how we feel about Lands’ End bathing suits, but if it’s possible I think we love them even more now than we did before.

Here’s a picture of us on the beach!

Sorry, but that’s as close to you’re getting of pictures of us in bathing suits! But here are the ones we wore.

Jenny went with the Floral Beach Print Tankini, with this cute matching Shadow Floral Chiffon Cover-up Pareo.

I went with the new Lands’ End Swim Mates, and I loooooooooove it. It might be my favorite suit ever. Here’s the deal with Swim Mates, as described by our new friend Nicole Feliciano from MomTrends.

Mix and match swim wear – Love it.

There you have it… how we accessorized for Mom 2.0. Lands’ End had absolutely everything we needed to look and feel great all weekend long!

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The first Tuesday of the rest of my life.

Sophie on her first day of preschool, September 7, 2010. Age 3 years, 10 months.

I’ve never written this story before because it is hard.  But like I said, it’s time to start telling more of the hard stories.  I want be able to tell it all at once.  I’m not sure how many posts it will take.

It was October 5, 2010. It was a Tuesday. I was about seven months pregnant, and my Grandpa had been dead for three days.  That Saturday night, I had to call my cousin Mackenzie and tell her that Grandpa had died.  Mackenzie had come with her toddler from North Carolina and had been at my grandparents’ house all day.  Grandpa had been failing for a few weeks but he was…he was ok that day.  He was joyful at meeting Mackenzie’s daughter, Molly, for the first time.  Mackenzie fully expected to see him again the next day.

Mackenzie and Molly came to my house for dinner.  We had an awesome time.  Then they went back to their hotel.  By the time they got there, our Grandpa had died of a massive heart attack in his bathroom.  My mom called me.  Grandma can’t get the bathroom door open.  Rescue squad on the way.  She calls again.  Grandpa passed away.  Can I call Mackenzie?

“Hi cousin, what’s up?” she must think it’s weird that I’m calling so soon after she left my house.  Have you ever had to make that call before?  I didn’t know what to say.  I pause, struggling.  “Grandpa died.”  It’s all I could say.  I think I blurted out the few details about the bathroom and the rescue squad.

I can’t remember what she said back.  Or much else about that night.  I know Mackenzie packed up her toddler and went back over to my Grandma’s house.  Just Grandma’s house now.

But back to Tuesday.

I am dropping Sophie off at preschool, and one of her teachers says to me, “I wonder if you had a few minutes to talk.”  I don’t want to talk, but what can you do? She leads me into another room.  I am too tired and drained to even wonder what this is about.  My Grandpa’s funeral is the next day.

“We have some concerns about Sophia.” she says.  I sigh internally. “Ok.” I say.  She starts to read from a list.

“She can’t follow simple instructions.” Yes she can, I think. But I let her go on.  “She just stands there when I tell her to wash her hands.  I have to help her do everything.”

“Ok, well, I don’t know why.  She washes her hands at home.”

She goes on.

She isn’t interested in the other kids.  She won’t do any of the crafts, she just sits there.  She doesn’t really play with toys, she just wanders around the room.

I’m not overly surprised by some of these things, what I’m surprised at is that SHE’s surprised. I told her teachers before preschool started, when we’d visited the class, that she had a speech delay, was in therapy, and I gave them a list of things about her that I wanted them to know.  Some of these things were on the list.

On the other hand, I am concerned that she is not engaging more with the others.  This isn’t something I’d expected.  And the thing about doing the crafts and the work, well I’d never been able to get her to do any of that at home, and I was hoping she’d just fall in line at school. But apparently she wasn’t going to.  Her teacher said she seemed to hardly be able to hold a crayon, that she had no idea what to do with scissors.  Questions raced through my mind.  Was it that she couldn’t because she wouldn’t or that she wouldn’t because she couldn’t?

I left the room upset and barely holding it together, but trying not to show it.  I had already been crying for days.  I took the list of concerns the teacher gave me.  The next day Sophie had speech therapy, but I couldn’t be there because I’d be AT MY GRANDPA’S FUNERAL.  This was the LAST thing I needed that Tuesday.

I can’t really remember what I did next.  I called my husband and my mom and read the list of concerns and probably cried a lot.  I was very confused.  Sophie had never been a “joiner” and I felt like it was going to take her a long while to adjust to preschool.  She’d only even been to seven classes at this point.  Was it just that she was going to be a slow adjuster?  Or did she have more problems than just her speech delay?  Her speech therapist had just recently finished testing her and we didn’t even have the results yet.

I tell you what, it is hard when you sit across a table from someone and they tell you something about your kid that you don’t want to hear.  Especially when you are already an emotional mess.

Tuesday was rough.  I did not enjoy Tuesday.  But I decided to deal with Tuesday on Thursday.  Because Wednesday, we had to bury my Grandpa.

To be continued.

Part 2 of this story is here.


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New & improved Huggies – for the win!

So, recently Mom Central asked me to try out new & improved Huggies Snug & Dry diapers & Huggies wipes.  And I was all, “well, ok, I like free diapers and wipes, why not?”  To be honest, I was interested in drying the Snug & Dry because in the past they haven’t worked as well for Jonah in the leak department.  Jonah wakes up wet a LOT in the morning, he just goes pee-pa-pee-pee alllll night long apparently.  Since I can usually get a good deal  on Huggies with coupons, I would always get the Huggies Little Movers, they seemed to do a better job keeping him dry.  Sooo anyhoo, the big challenge facing the new Snug & Dry is: could they actually keep Jonah snug & dry all  night?  Or would he wake up cold & wet?

Jonah having some diaper time before bed

Well, the results are in.  The new “leak lock” thing they’ve got going on is working! The new & improved Snug & Dry lived up to their name!

Now, on to the Huggies wipes.  I have always loved Huggies wipes, so I’m not sure what they had to improve upon.  But, since I’ve been letting Jonah go at it with a spoon at mealtimes, I certainly had several sticky situations (non-diaper related) to try them out with!

Jonah covering himself with yogurt. I mean, learning to use a spoon.

I liked the Huggies wipes. They did a great job getting all the sticky, thick yogurt off of Jonah. I am not sure how they are better than the old Huggies wipes, but maybe that is just because I already loved the old ones, beats me.

Anyhoo,  if you didn’t formerly love these products, definitely give them a second look!  Or check Huggies out on Facebook and Twitter @Huggies while you’re at it.


I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

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