Stealing My Thunder

Perhaps you have noticed if you are a faithful reader of this drivel blog that I have a very faithful commenter in the person of my Uncle Paul. He is my dad’s younger brother, and one of the funniest people I know. In fact I have said before that I think I get my FABULOUS sense of humor from him because I really don’t think I got it from my parents (sorry mom and dad!) Here’s a picture of my Uncle Paul (left) with my dad: aren’t they cute old dudes?

Anyhoo, last Saturday I was at a super-fun party hosted by Katie and Andrea was there, and we were talking about blogging, and she was like, “I love how your Uncle Paul comments on every post! He is so funny! His comments crack me up!”

That’s right, Uncle Paul, you have at least one fan of your own! And she is Kind of a Big Deal!

Here’s a small sampling of some of Uncle Paul’s greatest comment hits:

On slutty little girls clothing: “Excellent post! Since I’m in a High School everyday where everything worn is from either Abertrampy and Skank or from Hos R’ Us, nothing surprises me.” (view post)

On my eyebrow waxing: “I am sure you knew that being a Brads, you would eventually have to do something. You might want to try getting them threaded, apparently it is less painful…not that I know…having and keeping the “manly unibrow” and all!!” (view post)

On my (our) inbreeding: “I may not have mentioned it, but Cenie and Charles are also related on her father’s and his mother’s sides. One couple. One couple had two children who figure in. They are your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents via Della and Charles M. Sr. Apparently the town was very small! Frankly, I think my astonishing good looks are the result of “keeping the genes pure”…ya know, kinda’ like the Royal Family.” (view post)

On my music choices: “I am a total Kelly Clarkson fan…and Jenny, My life would suck without you!! ;)” (view post)

And finally, this one’s for Emily – on my birthday-cake-baking-anxiety: “I am sure Kroger has a bakery Dear!!” (view post)

So, dear readers, keep your eyes peeled from comments from Uncle Paul (or UP as he signs his emails to me), sometimes it’s the best part of the whole post. In one recent email he said “Hope you don’t mind an old guy blogging back to you once in awhile.” And I have to say, I love it! And apparently, you are getting quite a fan base…so no pressure…but you better be on top of your game!

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15 Replies to “Stealing My Thunder”

  1. i agree! uncle paul is a hoot! hes even funnier in person. his humor stands out in a room full of Brads!

  2. Great! No pressure! I’m moved to tears, and you know that’s tough! (And a fat picture; really, I thought that shirt fit when I bought it! Well, back to the GYM!)


  3. hey jenny,
    you’ve been holding out. we’ve never met UP. does he like to sail? we’d love to meet him. even better than being a man with a great sense of humor it sounds as if he is a loving and devoted uncle!

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