If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say…

“…Come sit by me.”

This is one of my favorite lines I remember my famous Uncle Paul saying (perhaps repeatedly, UP?) over the years. As a result, he’s got lots of great tales to tell!

So allow me to spread a little HYPE around my corner of the blogosphere: in just a few short weeks, Uncle Paul, everyone’s favorite blog commenter, is starting his OWN blog!!

Now Uncle Paul is not a mommy, so it is not going to be a mommy blog. Although he IS a daddy, he is also an empty-nester. He even kicked the dog out. So the topics might not be what you are used to reading, but I promise you, they are going to be hilarious! I have already christened Uncle Paul “the heterosexual David Sedaris” as well as “the world’s first Baptist metrosexual”. I mean LOOK how TAN he is in this picture! Now I will admit I am quite white, but this level of Beach Bronze is not exactly in our family genes.

with my famous Uncle Paul!

So…anyways…this is just a teaser! HYPE! Get excited! And I’ll let you know when UP makes his debut!

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