I Breastfeed Because…

We haven’t written about it in a long while, because it’s been a long while since Emily and I have had nursing babies, but we are big fans of breastfeeding around here.  I loved nursing my babies, even though Sophie wanted to hang on a lot longer than I did (guess who won? She did!  Because really, it’s all about what baby needs, even if baby is 23 months old!)

So that’s why we are posting today, during World Breastfeeding Week, about the “I Breastfeed Because” campaign from Ameda, a company that makes great breast pumps and provides allll kinds of support for nursing moms.  To spread the word about  how important and wonderful breastfeeding is, Ameda has launched a new website at I Breastfeed Because and is encouraging all moms who did or do breastfeed upload a short, 20-second video about why you breastfeed. Here’s mine:

For every video, comment or tweet shared, Ameda will make a donation to the Human Milk Bank Association of North America (HMBANA), a non-profit association of donor human milk banks established in 1985 to set standards for and to facilitate establishment and operation of milk banks in North America.

And, every mom who uploads a video will be entered to win the grand prize of a $2,500 nursery makeover or one of 25 secondary prizes — $50 American Express gift cards. Woohoo!  So go check out the site, share your story, and enter!

And tell us, if you breastfed – why did you breastfeed?  We’d love to know, too!

And in the interest of FULL disclosure, we are posting about this fully for the love of breastfeeding, and because the campaign was brought to our attention by one of our loyal readers, Cara, who works for Evenflo headquartered here in our area, the parent company of Ameda.  A cause we love & support + a reader we can support, + a local business we can support = perfection!

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8 Replies to “I Breastfeed Because…”

  1. I always knew I wanted to breastfeed, but when our first son Ethan was born a month early, with IUGR, at 4 pounds 6 ounces, I knew more than ever that I had a job to do. While I knew I served a powerful God, I felt powerless, and breastfeeding helped me feel like I was contributing to the fight. Ethan’s fight, to be healthy and happy. Everybody knows that breastfeeding is a wonderful thing. What I learned at that time was that our bodies even formulate our milk to the needs of our babies, especially preemies. Ethan got what he needed and is a thriving, happy 4 year old. And I got what I needed – to feel like I was taking care of him in a special way that no one else could!

  2. I breastfed all 3 of ours: Jacob for 19 months, Ellie for 27 months, and Emmaline for 19 months. Each child self-weaned, which is exactly how I wanted it. I wanted it to be their choice to stop nursing, not mine. I treasured all of those nursing moments, especially with Emmaline. We didn’t know that she had Down syndrome until an hour after her birth. I knew I loved her, but I was still grieving the loss of a “healthy” child. Breastfeeding helped me to bond with her in a way that I hadn’t neccessarily needed with our other two children. It’s been almost 2 years since Emmy was weaned, and I have to admit that I miss breastfeeding. Those 5 1/2 years hold sweet memories for me!

  3. I breastfed for so many reasons – health, bonding, cost…etc. It is hard to know what the biggest factor was for me to try it in the first place. I do know that the powerful bond and connection I felt while nursing was the motivation for me to pump while working, so I could maintain the normal nursing relationship at home. It kept me feeling connected to my baby, even while working full time soon after she was born.

    I have to give props to Ameda too, since they spurred on your post. I had (still have) both an Ameda-Hollister Elite hospital grade pump and an Ameda Purely Yours pump too. I used them daily for nearly a year and they held up to the frequent use. I kept one at the office and one at home.

  4. I breastfed my daughter, Amilia, for 3 months. I knew it was the best for her and wanted to give her the best start to life possible. She was 6 weeks premature and in the NICU for a week before we could bring her home. During that time, my milk came and I didn’t pump enough ( I was TIRED!:)) so my supply went waaaaay down. I worked it back up but never to it’s full potential. So, 3 months was all I could give. I felt guilty, but realized it was better than nothing! For my next baby, I hope to keep it up longer because it’s such a special bond and important part of development. And because we’re among friends, it was great for getting the weight off as well!! 🙂

  5. TLW breastfed both of the children everywhere we went. I loved the fact, that even though she was discreet, cautious, careful, and polite…so many old ladies freaked out. It made it all that more worth it.

    And the kids are healthier for it, I’m sure.

    And, Tim…seriously!


  6. Great comments, Ladies & Cowboys!

    If you don’t mind, visit our website (www.ibreastfeedbecause.com) and enter a comment, tweet or make a video. You’ll be entered to win some FABULOUS prizes, but even more importantly, your comment / tweet / video will help raise money for a milk bank charity.

    Thanks in advance for supporting a cause that I am so passionate about!

    Krista – Glad you loved the Elite and Purely Yours. We love it too! We’re now selling the Purely Yours Ultra at Babies “R” Us stores nationwide. Yeah, Ameda!!!

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