You Gotta Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em

Photo by Hop-Frog

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted about how I’m feeling. (Quick recap: birth control pills made me crazy and depressed.) The answer is complicated. I stopped taking the first pill I was on and after a few days I started to feel somewhat like my old self. I even taught a coupon class one night and it was really fun. I started taking a new pill – the one I was on five plus years ago before I had Joshua. For a few days I felt ok, mostly back to normal, but after about a week, I started feeling sick again. The nausea and headaches started, and along came lack of appetite and being unable to eat certain things. It really did feel like I was about eight or nine weeks pregnant! (I am not, I promise you.) Then Wednesday in the late afternoon, it started happening again. The depression covered me like a blanket made of steel. I couldn’t get out from under it, no matter how hard I tried to push it aside. I sobbed while I made my kids peanut butter sandwiches for dinner, and after my husband got home, went up to our bedroom to be alone.

And there alone in my bed I made a decision. I just cannot take the pill anymore. I can’t even think about going back to that dark place I was in. Maybe I can try again in a few months, but right now I need to be able to get back to me. I will just deal with my crazy hormones without adding any in to make them crazier. I just want to feel normal again, and not be afraid of what tomorrow is going to hold because of some medication I am taking. Because after how bad I felt Wednesday night, I just can’t do that to myself anymore. It’s not worth it.

So, there ya go. I give. I am crying “uncle”. I just hope I can put myself back right. It may require me going to CVS and buying six 12-packs of Mountain Dew, but I’m prepared to make the sacrifice if I have to.

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Laurin and Jenny Talk

So my statuesque, beautiful, glamorous pal Laurin of Laurin and Kelly talk was interviewed by the famous Avitable on her blog the other day. The interview cracked me up and since I love to talk about myself, I left a comment telling Laurin she could interview moi. I did this once before waaay back in the dark ages soon after Em and I started this blog and it was way fun. So, here are Laurin’s questions and my answers.

1. How long have you been addicted to CVS and how did it begin?
Seriously Laurin, have you never read this blog? I said like 4,000 times in November that it was my one-year anniversary of CVSing. GAH! I am so offended. But anyhoo, it began when I found the blog Money Saving Mom and followed her CVSing tips. It quickly escalated when the tips WORKED and I began walking out of CVS paying less than $1 for $30 worth of stuff!

2. Who are you most looking forward to meeting for the first time at Blissdom 09?
Well, since I’ve already met YOU at BlissDom08, I’d have to say Rachel of A Southern Fairytale. I love that girl so much! I want to hug her until she pushes me off for like five minutes straight! (I do want to get a picture with you though, ok? But since you are 8 freaking inches taller than I am, you will need to be seated for said photo. Kthx.)

3. Just wondering how you wish to addressed at Blissdom. Her Royal Stylishness? Madame Editor? You’re a funny girl – come up with an amusing “title” for yourself!
How about Her Serene Dorkishness? Fer real. I am like Queen of the Nerds. I just play fashionable on the interwebz.

4. Even though you’re a fancy schmancy Style Editor, you must have had a bad fashion period in high school or college. Do tell, or better yet, give us the photographic evidence!
College was not a good fashion period for me. I wore jeans & sweatshirts pretty much the whole time. And I owned and wore a pair of black pants with a rainbow stripe down the side. AND I thought they were cool. Sorry, though no pictures! It would take me quite a while to dig one up and I am just too lazy. Not ashamed, just lazy. We all know I have no shame!

5. Tell us the story of the moment you and Emily decided to start the blog together, and how you came up with the great name. For extra credit, where do you see yourself in 5 years? (Hey, it IS an interview.)
I can’t remember the EXACT moment, but I will tell you it was Emily’s idea and she gets full credit. We were really trying to write a book together based on all the hilarious emails we wrote each other when we were first pregnant at the same time. But then, we just realized it would not happen until we were too old to remember what it was like. So Emily came up with the idea of starting a blog. I had blogged on MySpace but hadn’t really read any other blogs. So Em showed me a few, and we started coming up with name ideas. I came up with “Mommin’ It Up” because that’s what I would say when people called and said “What are you doing?” because all I ever did was mom stuff – wipe butts, noses, you know the drill. So instead of “livin’ it up” or “talkin’ it up” I’d say “mommin’ it up!” Em liked the name and so she came over one day and we bought the domain name and hosting. And during that “meeting” we were trying to have, the kids were being crazy, and a newly-potty-trained Joshua pooped his pants, and Emily was like, “We really should be writing this down…”. It was too funny!

Sorry, that answer was so long. Now for the extra credit: In five years both my kids will be in school, so I see myself sitting on the couch watching Regis & Kelly drinking Mountain Dew and eating Twinkies. Umm, seriously…hopefully still blogging, still on staff with Blissfully Domestic, and making enough $$ to afford a cleaning lady once a week! I am AMBITIOUS!!!

This concludes “Laurin and Jenny Talk”. (Kelly, are you like, SO JEALOUS???) If you want to play in this interview game, here’s what to do!

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.”

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I Can Haz Mountain Dew? No?

I only went to CVS once this week – crazy huh? The deals just weren’t too exciting and although I am feeling much better, I still haven’t regained 100% of my incessant desire to CVS shop all the time. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that there is a huge ECB deal on Pepsi products and I am still not drinking Mountain Dew, and it makes me VERY SAD! My mom brought me a 2-Liter when I was depressed last week, and I had one out to eat, but other than that I have been a very good girl. But anyways – you will see that I DID purchase a 2-liter on this transaction, but it’s for a dinner we are attending Sunday for our house church – we’re bringing the drinks. Perhaps with my Christian community holding me accountable I will be able to abstain from Dew at the dinner. (ha ha!) We shall see. Anyhoo – here’s what I got:

6 cents

4 2-Liters of Pepsi products $5
8 Propel/Gatorade $15
1 Skippy $1.67
1 CVS baby wipes $2.99
Total = $24.66
Coupons: Rite Aid $5/$25 (my CVS take competitor q’s and the manager rounded up my total for me – I had planned to buy some Lays chips as part of the Pepsi deal which would have put me over, but they were out of them)
$3 off CVS brand q
60 cents off Skippy q
Total = $16.06

I paid with 16 ECB, paid 6 cents cash, and got back 10 ECB for the Pepsi/Propel/Gatorade products!

Next, I did this, because my particular hubby likes the yellow Axe body wash and it is never on sale!

53 cents

2 Axe body wash $10
2 Skippy $3.34
1 CVS baby wipes $2.99
Total $16.33
CVS $3/$15 (expired, my CVS takes them for 30 days)
Two 40-cents off Skippy q’s
$3 off CVS brand q

Total = $9.53
I paid with 9 ECB and 53 cents cash, and got back 3 ECB for the Axe.

Nothing too exciting, but not bad! Hope you did great this week! To see how everyone else did, check out CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer and Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom!

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