Surprise! It’s….


Tuesday, I was at my 37 week appointment, and my doctor said “Well, you’re dilated about 1 cm, but I think we’re going to have to do an ultrasound… I’m not sure if what I’m feeling is an ear or a foot.”


Andy’s on spring break, and he and Kate were going to meet me for breakfast, so they were already on the way to the doctor’s office when I called him to tell him the possible news.

As I was waiting, I texted Jenny and my BFF Jess to tell them what was going on. Jess immediately texted back “Are you ok? Is the baby ok?” You know, something concerned and caring. Jenny? Not so much. All she said was “Find out the sex!” Later, she suggested I seek therapy for whatever issues prevented me from finding out, haha.

Anyway, shortly after Andy and Kate arrived, we were taken back for the ultrasound. The look on Kate’s face was priceless – I was watching her more than I was watching the screen! But sure enough, the doctor had felt a foot.

The baby’s head is right between my ribs (which explains the pain I’ve been having in my rib cage). One foot is pointing down and one is up… I don’t know if that qualifies as a footling breech or not – I can’t seem to find the technical term for “baby is doing the splits.”

So, we are going to wait and see if the baby flips, but if not, we’re looking at a c-section during my 39th week. I’ve spent the last week hoping my water would break, and now I’ve got to shift that energy into hoping that I don’t go into labor before then.

It was not exactly what I was expecting to hear yesterday, but I am ok with the situation. I pretty much have to be, don’t I? And of all the things to uncover at this late stage, this is pretty manageable.

The ultrasound tech said everything else looks great, and they think the baby is 7.5 pounds already. The coolest part – we could see the baby’s hair! We could see the hair floating around like the baby was in a swimming pool. It was so neat.

So… one way or another, we are less than two weeks away from meeting this baby and I can’t wait!

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10 Replies to “Surprise! It’s….”

  1. Oh my! Well the baby is healthy and you are too, so that is the important thing – not which method the baby is born by. It is good that you are handling this news so well. I’ll be praying that the baby will turn and that you have a safe delivery no matter what.

  2. Aw, I’m sorry to hear this. My son was breech too. After an entire pregnancy spent driving 2+ hours each way to go to an all-natural birthing center. UGH! I did lots of home-inversion techniques (check out That didn’t work….so we did the Webster Technique with a chiropractor. I was the only woman she never got the baby to turn in. UGH! So finally we did an external version. The perinatologist got Aiden to turn half way, but that was it. And on the way home Aiden went right back to breech. So I also had to have a C-section, since nobody around me will deliver breech vaginal births. I don’t know if you want to try any of those things, but it’s not too late! Some babies turn at the last minute. I think my son was just too big…he was 9 pounds 1 ounce…so he didn’t have much room to spin!!

    Also, if more babies are in your future…and if you feel strongly about natural birth…double check with your OB what type of incision they’ll do if you have a C-section. I didn’t thnk to ask, and my OB did a vertical incision (common with breech). Well, that rules me out for VBAC so now I have to do C-sections, or unattended home births. And I’m not home birthing!! I was SUPER bummed when I found out, so check on that too!

  3. Google “exercises for breech babies.” I found a ton. I also just watched “Special Delivery” yesterday and they attempted to do an external version on a breech baby. It works about 50% of the time, but their are risks. Of course, there are risks to C-sections, and risks to vaginal births, and I think you already figured out, there are risks to having sex. 🙂

    Btw, LOVE Jenny’s response to you. It was totally expected!

  4. Gee, cousin, I like how you failed to mention that I offered to give you my “What to Expect when You’re Having a C-section” talk. (Which is pretty much world-renowned by the way.) Emergency? Scheduled? Complications? I’ve DONE IT ALL! And I’ll share my knowledge with YOU, cousin. All you have to do is ask. Dang , aren’t you LUCKY??? This COULD be the best thing that ever happened to you. Um. Ok, probably not.

  5. I am with Jenny. If the baby is doing the splits HOW CAN YOU NOT LOOK AND SEE!

    Its driving me crazy too… but probably not as much as Jenny.

  6. My second baby was breech at 37 (maybe 38) weeks, too. She flipped in time, though, so don’t be too concerned; yours may, too. At least the baby is healthy.

  7. If you can, find a chiropracter – most can do an adjustment that is highly successful in turning a breech baby! It works better than an external version.

  8. At 33 weeks and facing a second c-section, i’m totally with you on the please-don’t-let-me-go-into-labor-early camp!!! and while the pros of a c-section may not outweigh the cons, here’s a couple pro’s to ponder:
    1 – your baby’s head and skin will look incredibly better than every other baby in that nursery!
    2- you still get to nurse right away (if you’re planning to)
    3- everyone will treat you like an invalid, thus doing everything for you, instead of expecting you to pop back into action because “well, you’ve already done this before”
    4 – it’s less stressful on the baby in general
    5 – people just hand you some highly valuable drugs on the spot!
    I’m sure there are more, but those were some that came to mind! And while there is still a chance the baby could turn, if not, i’m sure you’ll do great!

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