No April Fools Here, Just April THRILLS

Happy April everybody! I for one am glad to kick March Madness out the door. For you see, ever since March 7th, the night of the Great Blizzard of ’08, someone has been sick in my house. First Joshua, then Sophie, then last week Bobby’s butt was kicked by a bronchial infection, and now it’s my turn. I’ve got a sore throat and ears but no fever or anything that could qualify me for a “real” illness, that would necessitate days in bed resting or a prescription that would net me a $25 CVS gift card. Nooo, I’m not that lucky. But anyhoo, we have a lot to look forward to here at Mommin’ It Up in April. So stay tuned!

First of all, Emily is going to thrill us by having another baby!! And more importantly, once it is born she will no longer be able to hide the gender from me! Hallelujah! The suspense is really killing me on that one, but now we have new drama. Will the baby turn on time? Will Emily have a vaginal birth or c-section? Induced or scheduled? OR will her water just break? I’m on the edge of my seat!!

Mid-month, I’m going to be taking an adventure of my own. I’m going out of town for two days. Like, way out. On an airplane. BY MYSELF. With no hubby or babies!! Now since I am a big baby myself and haven’t flown in five years, I am already sweating about whether I will survive the plane ride, and if I DO, how will I EVER make it from the airport to the hotel BY MYSELF with no car??? Such things terrify me!! Can I handle it or will I just crumple up into the fetal position at baggage claim? Since Sophie shows no signs of weaning, will she survive while I am gone? More importantly, will her tempestuousness and longing for Mama KILL my husband while I am gone? Will I be able to pump enough while I am there or will my breasts explode and flood my entire hotel with milk? The cliffhangers are just myriad in numbers, my peeps!

One more April Thrill to look forward to: after Emily pops that baby out, we are going to have a really awesome contest to celebrate! That’s right, it’s a Baby’s Birthday Giveaway and you are gonna LOVE it. I know you will all be racing to leave your comments on the contest post as soon as you see it!

So thanks for sticking with us through the March Madness! But let’s move on to April Thrills together!

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7 Replies to “No April Fools Here, Just April THRILLS”

  1. Where are you going? I am a seasoned traveller and I can go with you to get you where you need to be. In fact, I’ve flown alone with the kids and (without a car) have gotten them safely to the airport and back.

    As long as we do it before the morning sickness kicks in, I should be ok. Once that hits, I’m useless for about 10 weeks.

  2. i hope you feel better. be glad you are not flying with the kids. my experience what a nightmare….i don’t plan on flying EVER again. at least with kids under 3… i can’t wait to see what april has to come…. love you

  3. That sounds like me. I am a terrible traveler. I hate flying, I hate crowded clusters and although I don’t have breast milk going everywhere, I can relate to being homesick. But, cell phones, sudoku books, and laptops make traveling easier for me. Pack stuff to keep your mind off it. Peace and Happy April!

  4. my Internet has been down for hours. My only connection to the real world is through my iphone.
    I have a package ready to go out for you, but I cannot access my email archives to get your address. 🙁
    can you email it to me again? At least I can get my new mail on my phone. 😉

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