Confessions of a (Former) Cake Anxietist

A few months ago I confessed to you all my extreme anxiety about what sort of cake to make for Sophie’s first birthday. While the resulting cake and cupcakes turned out well, the distress and mess they caused me took a toll! Last year for Joshua’s 3rd birthday I made this over-the-top train cake and it was also a huge stressfest. So this year, as his fourth birthday loomed, I decided I was not going to sweat it, for two reasons: 1) We were having two parties – so twice the stress and 2) He’s four years old and generally thinks any cake with icing is fantastic! He decided on a Veggie Tales birthday party theme, so I found a really easy Bob & Larry Cake to make. But in order to make it even easier, I decided to – gasp! – use store-bought frosting. I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself. But I’m not, because you know what? I wasn’t making that frosting for Joshua, I was making it for ME. I absolutely LOVE that stuff! But it’s not my darn birthday and Joshua thinks all frosting is fabulous, so, I decided to give it up. Besides, I eat way too much of it while I am making it, and it creates a HUGE mess in my small kitchen, which adds to the STRESS. SO – no homemade frosting this time. I am glad I made that decision in hindsight, cause it took me FOR-EV-AH to mix the red-orange icing for Bob the Tomato from Veggie Tales. I knew this would be a challenge so I bought the fancy Wilton food coloring. And here’s how Bob & Larry turned out:


Not too bad eh? I thought it was cute and Joshua pronounced it “cool”. I was going to repeat it for his second party that we had for his buddies (Bobby and I both have big families, so we just can’t have everyone over at once!), but the night before the party he informed me that he didn’t want another Veggie cake, he wanted a Thomas cake for this party! Now the old me would have flown into a cake-makin’ tizzy, but I just calmly said “ok”! I’d done a Thomas cake for his 2nd birthday and still had the cake topper. I didn’t want to make the exact same cake that I had made then, and I only had a few hours notice for this switch, so I did the EASIEST thing I could think of! Here it is in all its glory:


Nothing fabulous, but it did the job! Joshua had a great birthday and I was not a nervous, icing-and-powdered-sugar-covered wreck the night before either party!

So, I am officially pronouncing myself “recovered” from cake-makin’ anxiety! And I’ve discovered it’s a whole lot nicer here on the sane side of the kitchen counter!

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Sneakin’ Around

Tonight I met a friend for coffee after dinner and then went to the grocery. When I got home, around 10:20, the house was silent. Everyone was in bed – husband and kiddos, and guess what I did? Nothing! (Well, I put the groceries away. And of course I took a picture of them first so I can show off my couponing skills in my Super Savings Saturday post!) Then I popped open a Coke and got my laptop and sat on the couch and actually watched some non-PBS Kids TV! I didn’t go upstairs and check on anybody. And I don’t think I will, not until I’m too tired to stay up and be by myself anymore. As long as I feel appropriately guilty about it, and I do, I think it’s acceptable behavior. 🙂 I get so little time to be by myself, just me, I’ve got to take it when I can. I love being with my family but it’s great to just be alone for a few minutes, with no one needing or expecting anything from me.

Of course my family is never far from my mind even when I’m along, so since I have a few minutes on my hands here, I want to share this photo of Sophie with you that I took this afternoon. THIS is what her hair looked like when she woke up from her nap today:


You can also see in that devilish grin that she now has two teeth on top (one on the bottom too – and MAN is it sharp! Ohh I REALLY gotta wean her now!) What am I gonna do with this girl?

And here’s my super-cute 4-year-old boy having fun at our local children’s museum yesterday on his birthday!

Well, I’m finally tired of myself…so, good night friends! I hope you caught a few minutes with yourself today too.

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A Sure Sign it’s Wean-her Time

I’ve mentioned a few times that my 15-month-old daughter is still nursing with fervor, and that I’d like to wean her realllly soooon. I have promised myself after I get through Joshua’s birthday parties (one down – more on that later!) that I am actually really going to get a plan and try to weiner wean her.

I was assured this was the right thing to do the other day when a little incident occurred while Sophie was nursing. Now Sophie nurses when she gets up in the morning, before her nap and before bed, and whenever the heck else she wants to. So, you know, about 87 times a day. At this particular time, she was just having a little snack, you know, for the fun of it, and had only been nursing for about a minute when she stopped nursing and climbed down off my lap.

“Are you all done?” I asked.

She looked up at me angelically with her big blue eyes, farted loudly three times, climbed back up on my lap, and started nursing again.

Uhhhhh…so. Um, yeah. It’s Wean-her Time!

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