Again With the Drama


I think Sophie, at 22 months, is headed in the same drama-rama direction as her cousin Kate. (And her friend Ashlyn – right Kristyn?) For quite some time now, if she falls down or bumps her head or suffers some various other minor boo-boo, she’ll say “Okay? Awwight?” Asking herself if she’s ok, and asking you to ask her.

It’s very cute. Trust me.

But her latest trick?

Apparently because I don’t pay enough attention to her, she now gently sets herself down on the floor, then looks around to see that you’re watching, and says, “Okay? Awwight?” with a wounded look on her face.

That’s right, the Oscar goes to: Sophia Diane, for Best Actress in the Fake Injury category.

I don’t even wanna think about the “what-am-I-gonna-wear-to-the-Oscar-ceremony” drama!! Shoot me.

My little Drama-Queen-In-Training doesn’t even talk much yet! Can you imagine the exaggerations that will soon spout forth from her little lips? Until then, she’ll have to stick with the physical drama-logues.

What do your little ones do for the sake of the Almighty Drama?

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Weekly Winners, September 14-20

Hosted By Sarcastic Mom

This was a crazy week around here, what with the windstorm and the power outages and what-not. Six days later, most people in our area (including both of my brothers & their families) do not have power at their houses still. We are so fortunate to have never lost ours!

Anyhoo, here are some pics I snapped this week. This first one is of the ginormous uprooted tree I first showed you in my Wordless Wednesday post.

broken yet beautiful

The park that tree lived in is also home to a very cute trashcan!

pretty trashy

Since I was taking pictures near downtown, I decided to go up to the levee and take pictures across the Great Miami River.

This is the back of the First Baptist Church in Dayton.

back of church in the great miami river

I am usually rather annoyed by these geese when they are on land but they suited my purposes here!

geese fly over the great miami

I tried to get some sun spots. This is looking out over the usually unattractive I-75.

sun spots

Finally, on to the kiddos. She’s not cute or anything, is she?


When you’re 4, there’s nothing like running as fast as you can down a steep driveway.

happy happy boy boy

When you’re almost two, there’s nothing like watching your big brother race toward you as fast as he can up a steep driveway!

so. excited!

Except getting sidewalk chalk all over your buns!

chalky bottom

That’s all I got! For more photographic feats, go check out Weekly Winners at Sarcastic Mom!

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Weekly Winners September 7-13

Hosted By Sarcastic Mom

This week’s photos were all taken in one fun, beautiful, near-perfect afternoon at the park.

Sophie climbed up the steps to get to the slide all by herself. She was SO proud!

mischievous girl

Then she took the plunge and went down! Whee!

It was a fast slide, and she landed kind of hard on her buns. She didn’t want to go again. Oops, I guess I should have caught her instead of taking her picture!

Then, we moved on to the swings, which were guarded by the Scarecrow,


the Tin Man,

tin man again

and the Cowardly Lion.


Joshua took a solo swing while I was chasing Sophie around:

swingin' solo

Then Sophie had her turn!

swingin' So

Joshua also really enjoyed the playground equipment:

happy climber

It was such a great day! I hope we get some cooler weather this week so we can go back there again.

For more great photography, visit the Weekly Winners HQ at Sarcastic Mom!

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