I think Sophie, at 22 months, is headed in the same drama-rama direction as her cousin Kate. (And her friend Ashlyn – right Kristyn?) For quite some time now, if she falls down or bumps her head or suffers some various other minor boo-boo, she’ll say “Okay? Awwight?” Asking herself if she’s ok, and asking you to ask her.
It’s very cute. Trust me.
But her latest trick?
Apparently because I don’t pay enough attention to her, she now gently sets herself down on the floor, then looks around to see that you’re watching, and says, “Okay? Awwight?” with a wounded look on her face.
That’s right, the Oscar goes to: Sophia Diane, for Best Actress in the Fake Injury category.
I don’t even wanna think about the “what-am-I-gonna-wear-to-the-Oscar-ceremony” drama!! Shoot me.
My little Drama-Queen-In-Training doesn’t even talk much yet! Can you imagine the exaggerations that will soon spout forth from her little lips? Until then, she’ll have to stick with the physical drama-logues.
What do your little ones do for the sake of the Almighty Drama?