I can’t take the drama!!

Our lives are completely consumed with drama… serious, world-ending drama.

Like what Kate is going to wear each day, for example.

She must have stood in front of her closet for 20 minutes this morning. A closet full of clothes and she can’t find one decent thing to wear.

She is four years old! Everything looks cute! I mean, I could understand such activity if she were, say, 29 years old and four months post-partum. Then what is wear is a true quandary. But she could pull off a swimsuit, tutu and rainboot ensemble – this is not a big decision!

It kills me how dramatic she is. Yesterday I told her she couldn’t wear a frilly skirt to the park. She looked at me with the utmost seriousness and said “All. My dreams. Are dead.”

Lest I kill her dreams, I consented to the skirt.

She couldn’t find her favorite shoes this morning (I don’t know where they could have been… but let’s just say I am glad she didn’t look in the trash can). Anyway, Andy showed her the footwear choices for the day. She picked up a pair of Nikes and said, “Well, these shoes won’t make me very popular, but I guess I’ll wear them anyway.”

So this drama, it gets better, right? Surely she’ll outgrow it any day now. It can’t last forever. I mean, look at me. I’m totally drama-free. And I never stare at my closet for extended periods of time.

Oh crap. I am so in for it.

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12 Replies to “I can’t take the drama!!”

  1. That is funny stuff! We have one for sure drama queen over here and another one following in her footsteps. I had no idea it started so early!! I love the “dead dreams” part. That is funny stuff!!

  2. we should get Kate and Lucy together. Perhaps they can console one another. Yesterday was the “Worst Labor Day of (her) life. Ever.”

    I’ve also recently had the same wardrobe problems with Lucy… who is five now. I’m dreading when school starts next Monday for her.

    And, I do think it’s unfair that just because we are grown-ups that we can’t pull off the swimsuit, tutu and rainboot ensemble anymore!

  3. If it makes you feel any better, I wore my wonder woman underoos in public as clothing – with snow boots no less. I usually pass for normal now these days.

    I think you are right though. You are in for it. As am I, I’m sure.

  4. You are in a lot of trouble, if she’s only 4! How could she even be thinking about being popular? I don’t think I even thought about things like that until at least 5th grade. Kids are so ahead of where I was at that time.

  5. My five year old told me I was ruining her whole life because I bought cherry flavored medicine instead of grape. Did I mention she was only three at the time?

    I feel your pain. (:

  6. That is absolutely hilarious! I can only wait for my one year old to start! Maybe Kate is just getting all her drama out early, right?!??!?

  7. Haha, My poor hubby has to hear me every morning “Honey, do you like this shirt or is this combo too pale?” He just kisses me and tells me I look great no matter what.

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