Blogger’s Block

Lately I’ve been sending Jenny frantic texts and IMs saying something along the lines of “WTF should I post about today?” Because honestly? I can’t think of anything.

(Ok, I can think of one thing – the dog. We’re in the midst of a one-week home visit and I’m trying to keep my damn mouth shut until I know if I am tethered to this life forever we are going to adopt him. Stay tuned.)

But fortunately other people have lots of really funny, brilliant things to say, so at the risk of sending both all of you away never to return to this blog, here’s what I recommend you read today.

The new (and improved) mommy war, from Kami at The Fence. Here’s one of my (many) favorite lines: Say it with me: The Mommy Wars are nonsensical. We all work hard. We all love our kids. End of story, Media. A-freaking-men.

Everyone knows you should read The Bloggess, but now she’s written a book. I can’t wait to read it.

Speaking of bloggers who wrote books, last week I read Stephanie Neilsen‘s new book, Heaven is Here. I loved it.

So go read those things today, but come back tomorrow… I’m sure we’ll have interesting things to say by then. Or something.

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What’s goin’ on?

Emily’s typically the Queen of the Random around here, but I am going to have to at least be a member of her court today. BECAUSE, I cannot. get. a coherent thought. together.

I don’t know why, nothing in particular is going on, or not going on, everything is just moving along.  I have recently set a Wii bowling record for myself of 268 (HOLLA!) and I got seven strikes in a row or a “seven-pack”. BOOM!  Sophie’s super into Wii Sports these days, so I’ve been getting a lot of practice in.  She is actually quite good at bowling herself with a record of 210!  And yesterday she KICKED my butt in baseball, 8-5.  She got FOUR home runs, and I was TRYING!  She’s good!

Jonah has been taking lots of STEPS this week!  It’s so exciting! He’s a hesitant walker but I am sure within two weeks he’ll be running around like a crazy person!  He is so sweet and funny, and so much fun to be with.  I am really, really enjoying this stage of his babyhood.

At occupational therapy this week, the supervisor evaluated Sophie and said she is ready to be discharged! WOOT!! So Tuesday is going to be her last day. You can expect a sappy post about it from me next week.   I am so stinkin’ proud of that girl. No more therapy of any kind, period!

My friend E’s friend, Susie, who is also a very good friend of my friends Becky and Erin, has surgery this week to remove a brain tumor.  It was freaking huge and she is 15 weeks pregnant!!!  Not to mention the mother of a three other kiddos, ages 6, 3, and 2. Baby is doing well, the surgery was a success, and they are waiting on reports to show whether or not the tumor is cancer.  There were some signs when they operated that it was malignant.  But nothing is for sure yet.  Susie is a beautiful, sweet, amazing person!  She is one of those people that you like instantly, and she and I collaborated on some things last year when E was battling cancer…it is mind boggling that Susie is going through her own health struggle now.  I’ve been praying sooooooooo hard for her the last two weeks.  It’s not like she and I are even close, we are just friends of friends who like each other, but oh my gosh she is practically all I can think about! And pray about! And so I hope you will pray for sweet Susie and her husband Ben and their three big kids and their growing baby. I know God is in control of this, I also know that He is listening to all our prayers for Susie and her family. I hope you will join the thousands that are lifting them up to Him.

Susie & her beautiful family

Well, that’s my Friday random round-up.  Hopefully I’ll get my act together over the weekend!

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Random Updates

I’ve been remiss on responding to comments on some previous posts, and you’ve been leaving some good ones – I apologize! So here are a few updates on random things…

My Christmas ideas from Pinterest? I’ve done exactly zero of them. However I do have grand plans of baking, yet, so I’m hoping to actually accomplish a few… including the peppermint roll for Jenny. We’ll see how that goes… the last time I attempted something of the sort, it didn’t work out so well.

In other news, Jenny’s family seems to be well again after having contracted bubonic plague. She was kind enough to pass it around to all her family members – I believe the last count showed 17 of them had had it. My sister, her husband and my niece were among the casualties, so I’m predicting my grandma will come down with it today and it will hit our house right around Christmas Eve. Just to be on the safe side, I’ve been staying as far away from my sister as possible. She asked me to bring her some Sprite on Sunday. I left it on the doorstep, rang the bell and ran. Yesterday she accused me of treating them like lepers, which is probably fairly accurate. But hey, you can’t be too careful. We’ll see them again in 2012.

I also wrote last week about how devastated I was to discover I had left my favorite pair of boots in a hotel room the day before. Many of you responded and encouraged me to call the hotel, which I did, and although they didn’t locate them at first, they eventually found them and Fed Ex’ed them back to me. I’m wearing them now, as a matter of fact. Shout out to the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers for their fabulous customer service. And also for getting me out of that elevator a few years ago.

And finally, Sam and his sleep situation. It had not been getting any better until last night, when he was slightly less impossible to get to sleep. The comments on this post were great. Emily summed it up well (and told me I wasn’t alone) with her comment – “when kids transition from crib to big bed, that there is always a brief honeymoon period when they do fine…. and then after a few weeks or months, the light goes on and they realize that they can party into the wee hours. Then comes the period of complete and total exhaustion for the whole family as they fight the exhausted 3 year old to please go to bed for the LOVE OF GOD.” EXACTLY. Mackenzie decided never to let her daughter out of her crib, which I think is probably the best course of action. Andy and I were just saying the other day that instead of a big bed, we wish we could have bought Sam a bigger crib. To quote my husband, “Animals belong in cages.” Stacy recommended the Tot Clock, which looks pretty amazing, but it seems like it’s sold out everywhere. I do want to get one eventually though. Karson, the mother of a 7 month old and one of my oldest friends, reminded me of my favorite quote – “Sleep begets sleep.” I really do think that’s true, and it reminds me of the importance of getting him to bed early. There were many more comments, but instead of posting them all again, just go here and read them!

Y’all are smart.

So. What’s going on with you?

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