Nancy Drew and the Mysterious “Wet”

Remember Nancy Drew’s first case here at Mommin’ It Up?  That was a doozy.  And fortunately, it’s been a long time since we’ve needed the help of that savvy teenage detective.   But yesterday, Sophie threw another mystery my way, and I’m gonna have to call in the big guns.

Soph and I were sitting in the living room shortly after noon when she decided to go upstairs. I figured she was headed up to her room to play with her dollhouse or read books and didn’t think a thing of it.  But then about two minutes later I heard her yelling, “OH no! It’s TOO WET!”

Crap.  That can’t be good.

I raced upstairs and found Sophie standing in front of the toilet with her pants and panties pulled down. “It’s TOO WET!” she said again?  “What’s too wet?” I said. “Did you go pee pee in your pants?”

“No it’s too wet on your (she’s still got pronoun confusion) SHIRT.”  She replied.

I moved in to investigate.  Her pants and panties were dry, but she was wearing a long tunic-style shirt, and sure enough there was a small water spot on the back.  It was oddly round, and about the diameter of a soup can.

I put her on the potty just in case, and noted that her lady parts were also dry.  There was no toilet paper anywhere and it didn’t look like she’d gone potty yet.  She told me she DID need to go pee pee and as she sat on the the pot, I began my interrogation.

“Did you already go pee pee?”


“Do you need to go?”


“Where did you get wet from? The sink or the potty?”

“The potty!”

And yet. There was no water splashed anywhere on the floor, her hands were dry, there was no water on the toilet seat.

She sat there a couple minutes but never did pee.  And I never could figure out how she got wet!  So we just changed her shirt and moved on.  But dangit if I wouldn’t like to know.  I was so curious I even SMELLED the shirt.  (I’m an ace sleuth after all.)  It didn’t really smell like pee.  Maybe there was just a little water on the bathroom floor?  I don’t know! The rest of that kiddo was bone dry!

So, Nancy and friends, where did the “mysterious wet” come from?

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The Poop of Terror

So, not to go on and on and on and ON about potty training, buuut…Sophie’s doing really good. I pretty much consider her trained.  She has yet to have an accident in public anywhere.  This weekend we spent a day and night at my father-in-law’s and did not bring either her little potty or her potty ring to sit on, and she had no trouble. She’d just go into the bathroom and yell “POOOTTEEEEEEE” until one of us came and helped her get on the toilet.  I was SO proud.  And I AM so proud of her.

BUT.  Or should I say “BUTT”.

Sophie has, like her brother before her, developed a fear of going poop in the potty.  Why? I have no idea! What causes this?  She was really doing just FINE with poop in the beginning, albeit there were a couple of times that took her for-ev-er to squeeze the deuce out.  But then, about 10 days ago or so, she started trying to hide and sneak poops past us.  And to add to the fun, she’s made herself constipated. (Also just like her brother!)

Her most preferred pooping place is during her “rest time” or nap in her room.  I think she’s gone to sleep and then 10 minutes later she’s calling for me ’cause she’s got junk in her trunk.  Last night she did this for the first time at bedtime instead of nap time, and it was fun cleaning her up after I’d already gone to bed.  BUT(T) she wasn’t done yet.  This morning she woke up with a full load in her TRAINING PANTS and it was deees-gusting.  Yuck.  I forgot how gross cleaning all the poo out of girl parts is.

With Joshua, I found that the only thing to do was wait this out.  That, and sneak prune juice and flaxseed into anything I could to help him have to go.  And since I’m confident Sophie won’t feel relaxed enough to poop her pants at preschool, I’m not stressing about it. BUT(T) I’d appreciate any tips you all might have about scooting past this stage sooner rather later!

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Whaddya know, we’re all still alive!

So a week ago I was in the depths of despair. And I really appreciate all your kind comments on that post. You made me cry, and cry, and cry. But of course, it’s a known fact that I am both a crybaby and emotionally unstable. Heh.

Anyhoo, a week later I am proud to report that we are ALL doing much better! Sophie is pretty much house-trained as far as the potty goes. And she even stays dry when we go out, she just doesn’t want to use any other potty but her little potty and she prefers that it be located in our living room. But THAT I can deal with! She goes when she needs to go, and I am sure by the time preschool starts she will be using potties other than ours. She has even been dry a couple times overnight! She hasn’t had an accident since Saturday. She is enjoying wearing big-girl panties and of course, flushing. I am SO proud of her!


(Like so many of us, Sophie enjoys a good read on the potty. Here she is playing with her VTech V.Reader. Have you entered to win one for your kids yet? We’re giving one away! Enter here!)

I hurt my back pretty badly last Friday, so I haven’t done much this week except keep the kids alive – take Joshua to swimming lessons, and make sure they eat a couple of times a day.  My house is still an atrocious mess but we are all much happier.

Progress is progress, and I’ll take it!

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