You know, Emily likes to joke about me being older than she is, and the fact is, well…I’ll always be older. (Even though she has the sense of humor of an octogenarian.) But lately, I’ve been feeling my age…and then some.
Let me tell ya, 2013 has not been my year so far. Despite my efforts to be healthi-ER (which are actually going well, I’m being a pretty good girl), I’ve had some setbacks. My gall bladder that they couldn’t find anything wrong with last spring has been attacking me again the last couple of weeks. It’s been fairly painful and very stressful. Then, two weeks ago my lower back started hurting for no apparent reason. In the past when I’ve had backaches they’ve usually resolved themselves after a few days of popping Aleve and wearing Icy Hot patches, but not this time. The pain and persistence began causing me some significant anxiety, and I couldn’t get in to see my doctor for over a week, so yesterday I finally broke down and called a chiropractor.
I’m kind of scared of chiropractors, even though most people I know who go to them loooove them. But the thought of having my “back cracked” or ANYTHING cracked for that matter, scared me to death.
But I went, because I. Was. Desperate.
And actually, I think it helped! I’m going back Saturday, despite the fact that my body made horrible noises I doubt it was meant to make and I may have screamed several times a little.
But I have to say the most painful part of the chiropractic experience (which really didn’t hurt, so don’t freak out) was the the doctor himself was OBVIOUSLY younger than me. Either that, or he drinks from the fountain o’ youth.
Sigh. How am I so old that there are medical professionals that are much younger than I am?
My Tour de Old was topped off last night by a 9pm victory lap in my glider rocker with a heating pad on my back. I did said victory lap in my PJs and fuzzy heart bathrobe (I heart my fuzzy heart bathrobe. I’d like to leave it on all winter, eat about 12 pounds of gluten-free onion rings to get nice and plump, and then hibernate for 2 months like those geniuses, BEARS do. But I digress.).
Tour de Old Official Commemorative Photo. With shot of heating pad cord.
So that’s my story thus far. 2013 is the Year of the Geezer. Can’t wait to see what Geriatric Adventures I’m in for at my Friday doctor’s appointment!