Sleepless in Sophieville

My little Sophie, my crazy girl, has actually been a terrifically consistent sleeper since she was about 15 months old.  (Before that, not so much.  But after 15 months? Golden.)

Until this past week.  All of a suddenly she is screaming and crying at night, and when Bobby or I go to talk to her, she tries to get out of her bedroom door and run to ours.  This is all new and befuddling to us.  I mean, 4 or 5 months since we finally got Joshua to stay in his own bed, and now we’ve got to get Sophie back to sleeping soundly in hers.  (Because fer realzies, there is going to be a baby in a bassinet in our room in 3.5 months!)  For the past several days, Bobby has been taking one for the team and has been sleeping in her room much of the night, sneaking out when he can, going back when she wakes up calling for us again.  Because, with my myriad sleeping problems, I really cannot sleep at all if I’m in her bed.  And with the constant sleep interruptions, I have a lot of trouble falling back asleep – which is why I’m writing this at 4:22 a.m.

Sophie’s had a cold the past few days – coincidence or not?  She acts totally fine during the day, just has had a runny nose and cough.  Is that it?  Illness has disturbed her sleep before, but never for this long.   Or is she experiencing some sort of night time separation anxiety?  She does great when I drop her off at preschool, but maybe her nervousness about it all is coming out at night?

I have no idea.  But I am exhausted, and my husband is half-dead (and has Sophie’s cold) after a week of this.  So, any advice?  What should we do to get Sophie’s bedtimes and nights back on track?  I could use some advice!!

Speaking of advice, I’m Co-hosting a chat with some other great bloggers on The today at noon EST. The Topic is “Best Advice for New Moms” – I’d love it if you’d join us!  (I hope to get some good advice myself.  I feel like a new mom all over again with this baby since Sophie will be FOUR when he is born!) All you have to do is log in to the and then go here.  It’s just a text chat, simply refresh the page to see the latest conversation.

But before that, please help a sister out – back to my Sophie sleeping problem – what should I do?

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The Tired

Twenty weeks.  Twenty weeks, people.  Halfway there. Only two more days (two! more! days!!!!) until I find out if this kiddo is a boy or a girl.  But I’m so tired, I almost can’t even get excited. (Ok, that’s a lie. But I am. SO. tired.)

And I’m only halfway there!  How am I gonna make it through the rest of this pregnancy?  I got very little rest on vacation, thanks to the kids sleeping in the same room with us (Sophie at 3 a.m.: “What? Mommy, Daddy, and Joshua are ALL HERE?  Let’s PARTY!  Let’s jump on some air mattresses or poop our pants or something!) and a schedule of family fun.  And now I seriously feel like I got hit by a TRUCK.  Tonight a friend of mine stopped by about 8:15 and said, “Wow, you look like you are feeling really bad.”

I had a look in the mirror. I couldn’t argue.

All you lovely ladies who just loooove being pregnant, who feel so GREAT during the 2nd trimester, I don’t get you.  Oh how I wish I did.

Twenty more weeks.  Crossing my fingers for nineteen.  And maybe a little rest between now and then.

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Waking Up is Hard to Do

I like to sing “Waking Up is Hard to Do” to the tune of the oldie “Breaking Up is Hard to Do”.

Because dang.  I am terrible at sleeping and terrible at waking up!

My first thought upon waking used to be “When can I go back to sleep?”  Now it’s more like, “NOOO!!!!!!!! I’m ASLEEP FOR ONCE!  PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME WAKE UP!”  And yes, I do think that one IN CAPS.

I’ve been up now for an hour and my eyes are still heavy.  I had nightmares this morning that I was actually glad to wake up from, but they left  me so, so sleepy.  And slightly traumatized.

So, I’m off to the coffee pot.  And maybe to do some jumping  jacks.  Just kidding, that would be exercise.

But seriously.  What do YOU do to help yourself wake up?  I need some new tricks!


Photo by fofurasfelinas on flickr

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