The Interloper

Joshua frequently climbs into bed with us at night, but most nights he times it well, and I am still too out of it (thanks to my new BFF Ambien) to do anything about it. Bobby is a hard sleeper and many times doesn’t even wake up for the blessed event at all. In the morning, he has consequences – no Hot Wheels, no computer, no racing games with Daddy – whichever seems most important to him at the time.

And while I’ll admit that I would prefer Joshua stay in his own bed all night (I mean really, we have a full-size bed, and what happens is that Bobby and I either both get about 4 inches of it each to sleep on and/or we wake up with a foot in our face), I will be sad when he doesn’t want to do it anymore. When he is too big to want the comfort of falling asleep with his head on his mama’s back, I will feel a loss.

Which is why last night, when Joshua came in our room at 10:37, and I was still wide awake, and Bobby had just gone downstairs to do a few chores before bed, I just patted the space next to me and bid him come. And as he wallowed all over me until he finally got comfortable with his arm flung possessively over my shoulders and his head buried in my back, I thought, Oh, how I want him to love me like this forever!

I listened to his breathing as he relaxed and fell asleep, his warm little body practically fused with mine, and I savored every second until I too slept.

And when I woke up at four a.m. perilously perched on four inches of the bed with a foot in my face, I felt remarkably more cheerful about it than I usually do when I shoved him over to reclaim some space.

And I thought, I sure am a lucky mama.

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9 Replies to “The Interloper”

  1. It’s so great that you are enjoying this time with your kiddos. I felt a little sad as my youngest graduated from Kindergarten a few weeks ago. However, that love and that bond enriches as they grow and there are positives just as you describe to every stage.

  2. I have a daybed. A twin size of coarse. My 5 and 6 year olds get in bed with me. Every. Freakin’. Night. I wake up every morning; my body stiff and sore. I also wake up every morning with 2 sweet sleeping babies in my arms. To be honest, I don’t know if I could even sleep with out them!

  3. You are right to enjoy it while you can! I missed it when my oldest stopped wanting to hop into bed. My youngest is still too young to get out of his crib. I hope when he does, I will be like you and appreciate it for the short time it happens.

  4. Ellie falls asleep in my bed every night, and remains there for at least part of the night. She can’t yet get out of her bed and hop into mine uninvited, but I’m looking forward to that day. Of course, that’s easy for me to say — I have a queen-size bed, and I’m not trying to share it with a husband. 🙂

  5. While I totally agree with the sentiment, I prefer my kids love me in 1,000,000,000 other ways than in my bed. And I have a king. They come in and snuggle most mornings, but that is after I wake up. I am super stingy and selfish with my bed space. In fact, I might even appreciate the days when husband and wives slept in separate beds 🙂

    That all being said, aren’t you excited to snuggle with me and my gigantic preggo belly at BlogHer? I might be worse than Joshua with the bed hogging.

  6. And that is exactly why we still co-sleep. I will take all the snuggles and kisses I can get. Because trust me, a mom of a teenager, they won’t want to give them to you one day. And you’ll wish you hadn’t sent them scurrying back to their own beds when all they wanted was to fall asleep in your arms….There’s nothing better!

  7. this post made me tear up – i thought i was the only one who loved doing this AND thinks it’s okay!! Ethan loves to cuddle (and does exactly like Joshua – waits until I’m too tired to protest any longer!!!) I will also be sad when he doesn’t want to anymore. i love cuddle time with the kids!!!!!

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