All Shop and No Pay Makes Jenny a Happy Girl!

Well, I had great fun CVSing this week! I even had a couple of transactions that ended in ZERO out-of-pocket. Yay! Here’s what I got!

My first stop at CVS this week was for MILK! But I can’t go in and get JUST MILK! So…

Milk $3.69
Loreal Vive BOGO Free $4.99
3 Glade Scented Oil Candle refills @ $2.49 each = $7.47 (you know I loves me my GSOC!!)
Total = $16.16
I used CVS $3/$15 coupon
Loreal Vive BOGO coupon (making them both free!)
Two $1 off Loreal Vive Rite Aid coupons (givng me oooooooveraaaage!!!! yess!)
Buy two get one free GSOC refill coupn -$2.49
$2/$2 GSOC refill coupon (inside GSOC holder package I had previously purchased)
Total = $1.67. I didn’t have any ECB small enough, so I paid in cash $2.34 with tax and got back 3 ECB for the Glade! yay!

Now, I am an old lady and have been having trouble with my back, so my next stop was to get some of those WellPatch(es) that are a July monthly ECB deal. And get some more free-plus-overage shampoo. And free baby wipes!!

Four Loreal Vive shampoo/conditioner BOGO Free $9.98
1 CVS baby wipes $2
2 WellPatch $11.98
Tic Tacs (not pictured!) 89 cents
Total = $24.85
I used:
CVS $3/$15
Two $1 off WellPatch
$2 off CVS Skincare q (for the wipes – wasn’t sure if this would work but it did! yay!)
Two BOGO Free Loreal Vive q’s
Four $1 off Rite-Aid Loreal Vive q’s
total = $3.87. I paid with 3 ECB and with tax $1.99 cash and got back 6 ECB for the WellPatches!!

Since that $2 off skincare q worked on the baby wipes, I decided to go crazy and compete the Great Free Baby Wipe Deal of 2008. This week at CVS, if you bought $15 of CVS baby products, you got back 5 ECB. Since the $2 off CVS skincare q worked on the wipes, this meant I could get 8 free tubs of wipes and then get 5 ECB after I got the last one. One problem: you can only use ONE of those coupons per transaction. So this meant I would have to do 8 different transactions! So I added one as a filler very time I went in, but eight times a week is excessive EVEN FOR ME. A couple of times I did two transactions when I was in the store, and then finally I went in one night on my way to Kroger to add some more wipes toward the deal with a couple of sweet zero-OOP transactions!


This is two separate transactions, both of which I paid ZERO out-of-pocket for thanks to coupons! The first one was:
1 CVS baby wipes $2
1 Playskool baby wipes $3.79
3 Sally Hansen nail polish clearance at 43 cents each
Total = $7.08
$2 CVS skincare q
$2 off Playskool CRT
$1 of Playskool manu q
$3/2 Sally Hansen q

The cashier adjusted the Sally Hansen q down to cover my TOTAL before tax, instead of just the cost of the nail polish, so the total came out to ZERO!! Woohoo!
2nd transaction:
1 CVS baby wipes $2
1 CVS hand sanitizer $1.79
Used $2 off CVS skincare q and Free Hand Sanitizer CRT for another total of ZERO!!

I finally finished out the Great Free Baby Wipe Deal of 2008 with this transaction (I bought two tubs so I really did itin seven transactions instead of eight. Eight was TOO MANY!!):


OFF repellent $3.49
two Sure deodorant $5.98
2 CVS baby wipes $4
Two Trident BOGO Free $1.49
Package of straws $1.99
Total= $16.95
$3/$15 CVS q
$1 CVS OFF q
75 cent OFF manu q
$1 OFF Walgreens ES q
$2 off CVS skincare q
Two $1.50 off Sure deodorant Walgreens ES q’s
Total= $6.20
I paid with 6 ECB and 45 cents cash and got back 9 ECB! 5 for completeing the wipes deal, 3 for the Sure deodorant and 1 for the Trident! Woohoo!

Ok, I am shopped out! Hope you all did great this week. For more crazy couponing, visit Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom and CVS Superstars at The Centsible Sawyer!

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How Do I love CVS? Let Me Count the Ways!

The deals this week at CVS weren’t TOO killer, but I was still able to get some great deals since my CVS accepts competitor coupons, and I was also able to pay for some things I needed with ECBs! Yay! So, it was a pleasure as usual. One day this week when I was there, a customer came in while I was checking out and was extremely rude to the two cashiers working. I mean, unacceptable, uncalled for, mean-for-no-reason RUDE. If I hadn’t had my two kids with me, I might have politely told her to chill. I was so sad that the cashiers had to deal with her, and I am sure she is not the only one! So be nice to your CVS folk!! ‘Cause not everybody is.

Anyhoo, here’s what I got:

Two Benefiber $6.99 each
Gas-X $5.29
Excedrin Back & Body $4.79
total = $24.06
$3/$15 CVS q
Two $2 off Benefiber manu q’s
Two $2 off Benefiber Walgreens EasySaver catalog q’s
$2 off Gas-X Walgreens ES catalog q
$2 off Excedrin man q
$3 off Excedrin CRT from CVS
total = 6.06
Paid with 6 ECB and 17 cents cash and got back 10 ECB! Woohoo! Also I will be getting back a $4.99 rebate for the Excedrin! Yes! I loooves getting ECBs AND cash!

Next I got this:

Milk 3.29
4 Skippy Peanut Butter (B1G1 Free) $5.78
2 Sally Hansen nail polish 99 cents each
Bayer Heart Advantage $4.99
total = $16.04
CVS $3/$15
For $1 off Skippy Target q’s
$3/2 Sally Hansen products manu q
$2.50 off Bayer manu q
total = $3.54
I paid with 2 ECB and $1.56 cash and got back 2 ECB for the Bayer! Woot!

Finally, I had to make a stop at Rite-Aid for some freeeeeeebates! Actually, moneymakers!

Loreal Vive Shampoo and conditioner B1G1 Free @$4.99
Electrasol dish tabs $2.99
Crest $2.49
Coupons I used:
Loreal B1G1 Free manu q (so got both free!)
75 cents off Crest manu q
$2.25 off Electrasol manu q
Total with tax was $3.13 and I will be getting back $4.49 in rebates! $2 for the Electrasol and $2.49 for the Crest! Woot!

Allright that’s all I got this week. For more amazing couponing feats, check out Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom and CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer!

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A Little Appreciation Goes a Loooong Way

The deals weren’t too stellar at CVS this week, yet I STILL managed to make it there a couple of times! After all, I needed milk and Drano,and I know of nowhere else where you can get that stuff for next-to-nothing.


My first transaction was a little bit bumpy and left me totally confused. You see, my trusty favorite cashier (who has now been promoted to shift supervisor! Thank you Lord!) forgot to scan my ExtraCare card. I always slap it up on the counter first thing, and put it away when they’ve scanned it. As he was ringing up my items, I asked him if he’d scanned it, and he said yes so I put it away. But then as I handed over my ECBs, they all started beeping. He just forced them thru using his manager’s card. “That’s weird!” I said. “Why doesn’t it like me today?” He replied that he had no idea, but he knew I was fine so he would just push them through. But finally,the register would not take any more and I had to pay $3.10 out of pocket, which is a huge amount for me!! I just paid it, but then my receipt came out with NO ECBs (should have been 9!) So then I realized that he must NOT have scanned my card. I let ht e other two people in line check out and then showed the cashier that he had not scanned my card. Whoops! He felt so dumb. So, we had to return EVERYTHING, and the register gave me back $31 something on a money card, which I used to pay instead of my coupons and ECBs. (since I had already used them!!) But then I had $3.19 left on the money card instead of the $3.10 I paid. So, somehow I made 9 cents off this deal. I have NO IDEA HOW! It was so confusing. But it was not a big deal because the cashier knows me so there was no trust issue. He knew I wasn’t trying to scam them – I just wanted my ECBs. So anyways on this transaction, I used a $5/$25 Family Dollar competitor’s coupons which rocked!! I also used $1.50/1 Walgreens coupons on the Sure and well as $1 of Manu q’s for the Sure, and I had a $2 and $3 off manu q for the Pert, making it free. I used 11-ish ECBs (originally!) and got back 9. Plus apparently made 9 cents. I don’t know…anyways, the moral of the story is that I treat my CVS folk really well. I bring them Tim Horton’s donut holes about once a month, ask about their lives and families, and when something goes wrong with a transaction, they always want to fix it! SO be nice to your CVS staff! Appreciate them for what they do for you! Make sure they will be happy to see you come in that door!

Ok, after that drama, I went Tuesday morning for the Drano to my OTHER favorite CVS. Here’s what I got!


Drano $4.99
Playtex $4.99
CVS face cloths $2.99
Reese’s 79 cents (filler!)
Tylenol PM $5.49
Total = $19.25 before tax
I used my July 4th $4/$20 q – obviously it was expired and these have started beeping immediately but they still take them for 2 weeks at my CVS – yay! Also, my total before tax was not $20 which was a result of me apparently not being able to do math. I swear I wasn’t trying to cheat! Didn’t even realize that until just now.
Coupons I used:
$4/$20 4th of July CVS q
$1 off Playtex Manu q
$1 off Playtex Walgreens ES Catalog q
$2 off Tylenol PM manu q
$3 off Tylenol PM CRT (yay CRTs!!!)
$2 off CVS skincare q
I paid with 4 ECBs and $2.44 left on my money card from the first weird transaction and got back 3 ECB for the Playtex and 1 for the cleansing cloths.

Then I did this transaction for my BFF Luanne, who has given me possession of her ExtraCare card and buys a Sunday paper every week so that I might do her CVSing for her. Cause she has tried and she doesn’t have the gift. But she’s got me so it’s alll goood.


I got her:
Playtex Sport $4.99
Pledge $4.59
Pledge Multi-surface $4.12 (clearance!?)
Six 60-ct. boxes of CVS bandages BOGO Free @ $2.29
Two 40-ct. boxes of CVS bandaes BOGO Free @$1.99
Total =
$4/$20 CRT (she gets these ALL THE TIME. I NEVER get them!! GRR!)
B1G1 Free pledge -$4.59
$1 off Playtex sport man q
$1 off Playtex sport Walgreens ES catalog q
I paid with $9.46 in ECBs and 47 cents cash and got back 5 ECBs, 3 for the Playtex and 2 for the Pledge. Let me jst tell yo that the reason for all the band-aids is that Lu’s daughter Krisha, (who is also our trusty babysitter) is a ballerina and goes through a package of band-aids a week! That can add up!!

Ok, on to my grocery adventures. Perhaps you all read about my torturous trip to Kroger. Well, at least it yielded some great deals!


I got all this for only $8.91!!! YAY!! I did it in two transactions. The first one was for the Planters nuts and Kool-Aid, which cost me $2.40 after sing four $3 off Planters q’s and earned me a $5 off coupon to use on my next order. I then took that coupon and got the other stuff I needed! All that cereal was $1.88 a box, and I had q’s that Kroger doubled to $1 off for each box. SO my 2nd transaction was $6.51.

I had to hit Meijer for the FREE pasta. Here’s what I got:


The pasta was on sale for 50 cents and I used five 50 cents off q’s from the Meijer Mealbox site. The veggies were on sale for $1 and I used three 50 cents off q’s also from the mealbox site. The sour cream was $1.25 and (is this getting redndant?) I used yet aother 50 cents off q from teh mealbox site. My total for all that? $1.75!!! That’s how I like to shop! My total grocery spending was $10.66 this week!! Since I was so stocked up from previous couple of weeks sales, that’s all I needed. YAY!

So that’s all the loot I took home this week! To see more crazy bargain shoppers, check out CVS Superstars at The Centsible Sawyer and Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom!

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