So, Emily and I went to BlogHer in Chicago this weekend. And it was, as we expected, AWESOME! The people, the parties, the SWAG…we ran from morning ’til night but it was SO worth it and SO fun! Some really super-awesome things happened, like – I slept with a pregnant lady and irony bit Emily in the butt (I’ll let her tell you about that). Also, we wore beautiful, stylish, comfortable Lands’ End clothing, shoes, and accessories. And if I do say so myself, we looked fabulous! And we FELT fabulous!
Thanks to the great people at Tide, I got to meet Project Runway’s Tim Gunn, and he said he “loved what I was doing with the red and pink” (I had on a pink skirt with this outfit) and that it “took guts” to pair colors like that and I was really “making it work”. So, don’t let anyone tell you that Lands’ End is not fashionable AND practical!!
We also got to give away Lands’ End gift certificates and pretty pretty Lands’ End earrings and necklaces to some of our fellow BlogHer attendees. Thanks so much to Lands’ End for sponsoring our trip!
I think my favorite thing about BlogHer was of course the PEOPLE!! We met many amazing ladies we’d been dying to meet and had a great time with those we already hang out with in “real life”.
There is so much more to say, but I am a little too brain-dead to say it right now – BUT! Stay tuned this week for more of our adventures from BlogHer!