Giving Pride the Finger

Looking my best as usual

I do not believe it is a coincidence that the subject of pride has come up for discussion several times for me lately, with several different people, in several different environments. It’s not coincidence, because it’s something I need to think about, and work on. It is something I am sure, that God has been speaking to me about.

I believe that pride is the number one thing that keeps us from forming true relationships with each other. And by “us”, I mean women, although I think it applies to all genders, races, and creeds. Pride is the shiny veneer over a scratched dining table, the thickly-applied concealer over a blemish, the cleverly-placed accessory that covers an ugly scar.

And it’s the Berlin Wall that forms between what could be beautiful relationships. Its size is a wonder, its strength, its mass seemingly impenetrable. It is closely and vigilantly guarded.

It needs to come down.

As I mentioned before, at BlissDom I told Lotus how much her blogging about her depression had meant to me. Her courage to admit her struggles, her realness, her acknowledgment that sometimes she is not okay, gave me the strength to write about my own battle.

How much could we help each other, if we would only ask for help for ourselves? Maybe you call a friend and just ask her to listen as you vent about your frustrations as a mom. And she learns that it is okay to have those frustrations. To admit them. To know she is not alone. Maybe you confess that you have doubts about faith, marital problems, feelings of worthlessness, fears, financial problems, worries that you are screwing up your kids. Maybe you just say, “I need you to take the kids for a couple hours.” Maybe you do this, you give someone the opportunity to help you, to listen to you, to love you as you truly are, and not for how you have been presenting yourself, and you change a life. Maybe two lives. Maybe you blog about it and you change dozens.

Maybe you win yourself one true, intimate friendship. Maybe you become the answer to someone’s prayer.

Maybe you take a sledgehammer to the Berlin Wall. Make a hole big enough for someone else to escape through, to find freedom.

Maybe you find it yourself. Only one way to find out.

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17 Replies to “Giving Pride the Finger”

  1. Pride is a huge wall, God definitely wants us to pull that wall down and humble ourselves before him and our friends to be transparent so that we can receive “true” love! Great post!

  2. Well put. I think that it’s hard to draw and keep people close to you if you aren’t honest about who you are. I also completely agree that speaking about things you find troublesome may not only make it better for you, but for others as well. That’s why I love blogging. I can throw something out there and be nervous about it and sure enough a reader will respond saying she’s going through the same thing. It’s amazing to connect with people in this way.

  3. Just last week called my girlfriend to start swapping kids again. She has my two now. I will get her two next week. I really need the time to myself.

    Admitting I want (need) help is a hard thing for me.

  4. JENNY. I canNOT believe I didn’t get to chat with you and hug you. YES, I waved hello, but every time I saw you I was headed somewhere else and didn’t stop. BOO, me!!! I looked for you on Saturday but didn’t see you. Wahhhhhh!!!!

    Okay, back to your post. Beautiful. True. Needed.

  5. Wow, this post touches me in so many ways…(no, not that kind of touching!)

    There are so many posts that I have half written, only to never post because I’m scared of what others might think or say, or how it will be perceived.

    I’m going to finish one of those posts and get it up soon, if I don’t chicken out. Thank you!!

  6. Great post!! It’s so true. I did a couple of posts early on about my struggle with depression and it helped me to write it out and read the comments. I had to take them down and I’ve not posted about it since bc my husband…well he didn’t like it. He didn’t say this, but he(with some good reason) feels like it reflects on him, so he was quite defensive about it. Even though the posts didn’t mention him.

    Oh well. It still helps me to read others. Love this post and it was good to see you again!

  7. We all have struggles. It’s so incredible to have the support of women from all different walks of life. I know I’m not alone and I appreciate that. Not that I wish these things on anyone, because I don’t.


  8. I love this picture!

    As to the point of your blog, I feel like the old word from church explains this whole phenomenon, “Testimony”. Not only can you have testimony of your faith, but Testimony of what its like to be a depressed, scared, crazy mommy who would really like to take a bath, by herself! Hearing each others struggles and successes only makes us mroe hopeful. Knowing we can speak about our own hard times without being judged makes us not feel so alone. So preach on cousin.

  9. Ahhh, the Berlin Wall. We (women) really can form walls, can’t we? I’ve made it a continual commitment of mine to strive for honesty and humility in my friendships. I can truly say, there are too many moments in life I wouldn’t have made it through if not for my friends!

  10. Perfect timing and beautifully written! Friends are truly precious and a true gift for sure! I think that’s why I’m even more amazed at how God brought the #bigdealmoms together. We all just “clicked” and knew it was “right.” Well, and you keeping us laughing helps…but you keeping it “real” helps even more!

    And, I love that picture SO. MUCH!!

  11. Oh my you aren’t kidding. It’s taken moving 4,000 miles away and stripping myself down to the core to rid myself of pride, envy, gluttony, and the whole dang host of deadly, toxic sins that used to (and still try to) corrupt my dreams and aspirations. Thanks for saying what’s in your heart – keep it coming!

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