CVS provided my with Total Home products to facilitate my review. And I was like, SO EXCITED about it, because, you guys – it’s CVS! But all opinions and dumb jokes are totally my own.
After suffering through this terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad freaking eternal winter, I am happy to report that I have emerged alive and kickin’. The kids and I are finally enjoying getting outside and not wincing in pain from sub-zero winds every time we exit the house. WHEE! So we are pretty darn happy about SPRING!!! See?
Unfortunately, along with spring comes the dreaded spring cleaning. For someone like me, aka the Worst Housekeeper Ever, any kind of cleaning is a pain, but a large undertaking like spring cleaning can be a nightmare. Because you see when you’re not all that, um….consistent at cleaning in general, things tend to build up! With three kids, one of them being a very busy three-year-old tornado mess-maker, cleaning can often be very defeating. As soon as I clean, it’s messy again. I’m like the “Time to Make the Donuts” guy. I clean in the morning while Jonah’s at school, and by the time my husband gets home from work, you can’t even tell I did a thing. And it’s time to start all over again. Grr.

With this constant dirt-y-fying, I often need real motivation to get started cleaning. Last week I got a really good one – a big box of Total Home cleaning products from CVS! Yay! Since as you all know, I L-O-V-E CVS, I actually did get a little excited!

Earlier this week when Jonah was at school, I put Pharrell Williams'”Happy” on repeat and got to cleaning. I started with Total Home Disinfecting Wipes on my dining room table, (they did a fabulous job of getting rid of all the sticky residue that Jonah manages to leave behind) and then I swept and mopped my hardwood floors.
The cleaning challenge I have with my hardwood floors is two-fold: 1) they are 97 years old and so there’s a lot of dirt in there, despite the fact that they are in good shape and 2) We have three giant pine trees in our yard (probably also 97 years old!) and there are constantly pine needles EVERYWHERE in the house. They come in on our shoes and there’s not much we can do about it except sweep them up.

Something that really helps with this plethora of pine needles is my Swiffer Sweeper. It’s the vacuum cleaner-kind, and when I am done sweeping and mopping it helps me get the rest of the dirt and hidden pine needles. This cleaning session, I tried out the CVS Total Home Dry Sweeping Cloths to go on my sweeper and they worked GREAT! Every bit as well as the name brand, if not better. I was super, super impressed with the quality and performance!

Ok, this is after I swept and mopped. AFTER. So this photo makes three things official: We are the dirtiest family on the planet, pine needles are the herpes of plant life, and CVS Total Home Dry Sweeping Cloths RULE!
Next on my cleaning journey (doesn’t that sound Oprah-like? I am sure if Oprah ever had to clean, she would say she was on a cleaning journey. So.) I moved to the kitchen. One thing I am not good about is wiping down my beautiful kitchen cabinets, which often fall victim to independent children who can get their own snacks and drinks. While this is a good thing, it sometimes results in chocolate syrup on my cabinets.

To tackle this particular mess, I used Total Home Extra Strength Cleaning Eraser. I got it wet and went to work on those sticky stains on my cabinets which had been there for who-knows-how-long! Check out their performance:
Total Home Cleaning Eraser = winner!
I tested out a few more products and loved them – including a long-time favorite of mine, Total Home Kitchen Trash Bags, I have loved those for years. One of my favorite CVS brand products! Don’t worry, I am not going to show you a video of me changing my trash can. But I DO want to share these CVS Spring Cleaning tips with you!
In all honesty, these products did make a couple hours of cleaning much easier for me. I wish they made a Total Home product that would purge the kids’ closets! I’d buy ’em out!
I really recommend these products, and of course you guys know I am a huge fan and user of the CVS ExtraCare program, so when you head in to get supplies for spring cleaning (or the allergies that come with it, heh.) make sure use your ExtraCare card to get great savings! (AND check your ad or myWeeklyAd online to see what ExtraCare Bucks deals you can pick up. You guys know I love my ECBs!) Pick one up for free if you -gasp!- don’t have one (really if that’s the case I am shaking my head at you) and always stop at the coupon scanner, i.e. the Magic Coupon Machine before you shop to get sweet coupons. In short, make me proud (I’m looking at you, Emily)!
Well, I am totes worn out from that cleaning spree so I am going to pop a Mountain Dew open and reward myself, natch. While I’m vegging, I’d like to know – what’s your least favorite part of spring cleaning? (If you love it, I do NOT want to hear about it, ha!)