Pin for the Wednesdays: Preschool Art Project

Welcome back to Pin for the Wednesdays!  I can’t wait to read all about your winning pins!  I hope you’ll head on down to the Mr. Linky below and put in a link to a post you’ve done about something you pinned on Pinterest that you ACTUALLY, you know, TRIED! And that you loved!  Mine this week was inspired both by Pinterest AND Jen of Big Binder!  A couple of weeks ago, Jen linked up with a Pinterest-inspired art project she did with her kids that taught them about an artist. So, I decide to see what I could find for Sophie and I to do along those lines. I wanted our project to involve cutting, since even though she is all done with Occupational Therapy, I like to keep up on her hand strength.

The original pin that I found was this one below, but as I kept searching I found several similar ones based on the art of Wassily Kandinsky – his famous “Kandinsky Circles”.



I didn’t show Sophie a picture of Kandinsky circles OR have the art lesson until we were all the way finished with the project, because I didn’t want her to try to make hers look like the pictures or like anyone else’s. I just explained to her what to do, and here’s how her circles turned out. I think she did a great job!

I made some different-sized circle tracers out of cardboard for Soph and had her trace, cut, and glue them.  We did one set a day for four days, and at the end, we had our little art lesson on Wassily Kandinsky.  We looked at his art online and I told her all I had read about him in all the many fine art books I have in my home on Wikipedia.  It was fun and Sophie was really proud of her circles!  This pin was a win!
I showed you mine, now YOU show me YOURS!! Pretty please link up below with a blog post about a pin you tried and loved. (No blog? No problem, just leave a comment! OR you can leave a comment telling me how I’m such a fabulous mom for doing this project with my daughter. I know, RIGHT!?) There are just a couple of rules:

There are just a couple of rules:

1) In your post, please link to your original source  – the pin you got the idea from.

2) Make sure and link back to our original Pin For the Wednesdays Post here at Mommin’ It Up!

3) In the Mr. Linky below, leave a direct link to your Pin FTWednesdays post, not to your main website.

4) Totally optional – grab our cute #PinFTW button!  The code box is over there in our sidebar ————————–>

Now let’s see those winning pins! It’s #PinFTW!


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Beauty Review: Limited Edition Art of Nature Collection by Mary Kay

I L-O-V-E Mary Kay cosmetics and that’s ALL I wear, so I love it when they ask me to review new products!   Recently I got to review the limited edition The Art of Nature Collection.   This makeup is lightweight and high-gloss, inspired by all of nature’s gorgeous colors!  My favorite product from the collection is the Fluid Eye Color.  It glides on so smoothly and it shimmers and shines and really STAYS on. I love, love,  love it.  I tried it in the Pearl color.  It’s a fabulous highlighter color for your browbone & eyelid.

Here’s how it looked on my eyes:

shiny eyes

I had a tough time getting a good picture of myself, you know with my eyes closed and all!  But I think you can see in this photo how the shadow shimmers.

I also loved the Dual Lip Glaze from this collection.  It’s super-shiny gloss on the outside, and pretty color on the inside.  It looks great over liner or on it’s own.  It’s a winner!

Speaking of gloss, Mary Kay has also re-vamped it’s NouriShine lip gloss into the all-new NouriShine Plus.  I couldn’t imagine that it could get any better but it DID!  I love it even more!  It’s super-moisturizing and high-shine and uses Vitamin E and a Vitamin C derivative to keep lips healthy.  And I loooooooove all the colors!  There are some new ones that are awesome, I especially love Cafe au Lait, it is the PERFECT neutral gloss.  Give it a try if that’s what you’re looking for.

Thanks Mary Kay for letting me review these products.  You can get them from your Mary Kay lady, and if you don’t have one, you can order from mine, she’s the best!

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Cupcake Wars

Kate and I have a new obsession… Cupcake Wars on the Food Network.

Have you seen it? It’s basically American Idol meets Survivor meets, um, cupcakes. They start out with four contestants and a theme (some of my favorite episode themes include Girl Scout Cookies, I Love Lucy, and Monster Truck Jam). The first round is all about taste, and it’s when the bakers whip up something like this:

Red Hot Velvet Cupcakes With Fiery Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting
Luscious red velvet meets hot cayenne pepper in a combination of sweet and spicy that is just right. Topped with a cinnamon schnapps-infused frosting, these cupcakes are sinfully decadent.

They put the most random things in cupcakes – jalapenos, pesto, goat cheese. And booze, lots of booze. (See why I like this show? Alcohol-infused sugar. Sign me up.)

Then, the panel of judges gets to shatter the hopes and dreams of one contestant and vote them off the island.

In the second round they make three different cupcakes, judged on both taste and presentation. Then judges give a rose to the final two contestants, who have to make a display of 1,000 cupcakes.

They pick a winner, and everyone lives happily ever after.

It is awesome.

Over the weekend, Kate and Sam were inspired by what they’d seen on TV, so they got out our Williams-Sonoma kids’ cookbooks and picked a couple recipes to try. We whipped up a chocolate chip cookie cake and some chocolate mousse, all the while running around the kitchen like chicken with our heads cut off, yelling things like “Oh my gosh, we only have five minutes and I haven’t even started the fondant motorcycle helmets” and “This ganache isn’t right, I’m going to have to start over” and “I dropped the strawberry compote!!!”

It was fabulous.

And much less traumatizing than when Jenny and Sophie play Toddlers and Tiaras.

What shows do you like to watch with your kids?

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