Easy Pokemon Cupcakes

After nearly FIVE YEARS of blogging, Emily and I have finally decided to start a carnival!  You’re welcome.  This is it, baby!  We’ve got a great carnival you are going to love – one where each Wednesday we link up with posts about our favorite Pinterest find that we ACTUALLY TRIED – and that came out GREAT!  Whether you copied the pin exactly or put your own twist on it, we want to hear about it!

And we’re not too proud to beg, so please please please please PRETTY PLEASE pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease join us each Wednesday to showcase your pins that were a win.  It’s…Pin For The Wednesdays!  (FTW, yo!)

There are just a couple of rules:

1) In your post, please link to your original source  – the pin you got the idea from.

2) Make sure and link back to our original Pin For the Wednesdays Post here at Mommin’ It Up!

3) In the Mr. Linky below, leave a direct link to your Pin FTWednesdays post, not to your main website.

4) Totally optional – grab our cute #PinFTW button!  The code box is over there in our sidebar —————————>

Mommin It Up

I’m going to get things started off this week by showing you what happened when I made those Pokemon cupcakes I found in this pin (see how I just linked to my original source!):

I loved the idea, but I H-A-T-E coloring frosting with food coloring. I always stain my fingers and about half my kitchen counter and in this case with the red food coloring the mess often resembles something gory, so I decided to take the photo as my inspiration but make this idea into reality a different way. Here’s how mine turned out:



And here’s how I did it!
You will need
pokemon cupcakes step 1
pokemon cupcakes step 2
Pokemon cupcakesstep 3
Pokemon cupcakes step 4
Pokemon cupcakes step 5
Pokemon cupcake step 6

Joshua loved these cupcakes and so did his friends. And they were very easy to decorate. Even at midnight (I was up at midnight as predicted!)

Ok, who’s ready to show us their winning pins???  Join in the fun!  If you’ve got a post showcasing a great pin that WORKED, link up, even if your post isn’t from today!  Pleasepleaseplease help us get Pin For The Wednesdays off to a great start, and don’t forget to come back EVERY Wednesday to link up!  If you don’t have a post today, please leave me a comment telling me how brilliant my cupcakes turned out, in order to further boost my always-fragile self-esteem, k?

*update* Emily and I have decided to BRIBE you to participate this week!  If you link up by Friday, March 2 at 11:59 pm, you will be entered to win a $25 Lands’ End gift card from Emily & me!  So get LINKING!! 🙂

(I’m also linking this up to Pin Me! at CraftyMamaof4 so I can share my Pokemon cupcake success!)

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Cousin Love

On the subject of Cousin Love, I must first wish a big happy birthday to my sister Anna and to Jenny’s brother Charles. I wish it was like the old days when we got to eat two birthday cakes in one day.

My niece Lily loooooooooooooooves her some Kate (or Take, as she likes to call her). My sister likes messing with Lily’s emotions, as evidenced by this video. It’s hilarious and pitiful all at once.

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Great at Eight

Eight years ago today I became a mother.  And so while I love all my children equally, Joshua’s birthday – February 27, 2004- is the most special of all their birthdays.  Because of course, it’s the anniversary of the day I became something I always wanted to be, and was meant to be.

The day of Joshua’s birth wasn’t exactly all that great.  Everything didn’t exactly go “as planned” – and Bobby and I always say it was the best day AND the worst day of our lives at the same time.  But of course the end result was we had this beautiful, sweet, healthy baby boy, who changed our lives forever.

He was the easiest, sweetest, baby.

And he is a great kid.

Joshua is 8

He is the kind of kid who is loved by all – other kids, his friends’ parents, and his teachers, but especially his family. His little siblings, his daddy and I all adore him.  And I could not be any prouder of my big boy.

We had a great day celebrating him with our family, a brunch, and a cake made out of two dozen doughnuts!

I love you, Joshua Kenneth!  I know you’ll make me proud a million times over.  You really are my dream come true.  Happy Birthday my big eight-year-old!
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