30% off ALL Crocs thru Sunday!!

Wow, what a great sale!! Crocs is offering 30% off every shoe at thru Sunday! Just use the coupon code DEALMAP30 at checkout! There are a couple of codes you can try for free shipping, too: secondchance or fallspringship (note you won’t see shipping come off your order til the end!)  You can also shop thru Ebates to get a whopping 7.5% cash back which is awesome!  And a $5 sign-up bonus if you are a new member!

May I suggest you get the wrapped Mary Jane above if you’re a lady? I ADORE mine – they are the perfectly cute fall shoe. Or, you know, you could be nice and get something for your kids. 🙂 Or the hubs, even. But get ’em here while the gettin’s good – til Sunday!

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A Tale of Two Blues

As I write this, I am extremely sleep-deprived and my Frigidaire Affinity washer & dryer are working OVERTIME.  Why?  Because this morning at 12:30 a.m., I heard the unmistakable sound of puking over the monitor in Sophie’s room.  And, since we’d been to Cortney’s earlier in the afternoon where Sophie had consumed this navy blue cupcake, I KNEW it was going to be BAD!

It was baaaaaaad.  Navy blue puke everywhere.  On Sophie, for one, and in her beautiful hair, all over her PJ’s, her Dora sheets and pillow, her Eeyore blanket, and even some of her doll clothes for her Angelina Ballerina doll. (Not to mention the carpet, which my amazing husband steam-cleaned in the middle of the night AFTER we bathed Sophie.)

The Soph continued to spew blue (not the cupcake’s fault, I would like to say, she just got a bug somewhere) every 20-30 minutes for the next few hours.  Finally about four in the morning she was blued-out and nothing was left and then we got the neon-yellow bile.  She threw up continuously until 9 am, then things slowed down, but we still had several more incidents until 12:45 pm.  I would estimate she threw up about 20 times during that period. Poor Sophie, who until this had thrown up probably only 3 or 4 times in her entire life, was totally confused and traumatized!

So, like I said.  6th load of laundry in.  And I have at LEAST one more to go!  Including the jeans I am wearing.  (Hey, I have like, two pairs of maternity pants that fit!  I am desperate! Quick setting, quick setting!) We were completely out of clean towels by 7 am.  Did I mention how much I love the “quick” setting on my Frigidaire washer & dryer??

Pretty much all my favorite settings have applied throughout this day, especially Stain Clean and Sanitize! And since I have been awake now for oh…over 15 hours, I am very thankful that my Affinity dynamic duo are so easy to operate.  I haven’t managed to screw up any of said loads…and I am a walking zombie, or in this case, a “mombie” (as my friend Cherry likes to say.)  And the blue?  Is gone!  All of our laundry is blue-cupcake free.

So, I’ve been telling you about these great appliances for months now, and I think fate saw it fitting to give me something really EPIC to talk about for my GRANDE FINALE post!!  Ah, well.  Good enough.  The appliances were worth it!

And do you think it’s a coincidence that they are BLUE??

Blue looks GOOD on these machines!

This post was written as part of my involvement with Mom Central Consulting in the Frigidaire Test Drive Mom team. Frigidaire gave me an Affinity Washer and Dryer and I reviewed the heck out of them, and loved every minute of it!

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Brushing up on my doula skills.

Yesterday evening I had the pleasure of seeing Jenny (for a re-take of the world’s worst local news shoot ever. This time turned out slightly better… and by “slightly better” I mean “hopefully we won’t have to go into the Witness Protection Program after it airs”), and it hit me that this baby is on his way. I mean, it seems like only yesterday that I answered the phone and heard Jenny say, “Remember how I always used to make fun of people with surprise pregnancies?” But sure enough, Jonah will be here before we know it.

Jenny has graciously invited me to be there for his birth. I got chills when I typed that! I am so excited.

I feel like I need a purpose in the delivery room though. Bobby will be taking care of Jenny. Jenny will be, um, strapped to an operating table. The doctors and nurses will be doing their things. Unless they really let me tie Jenny’s tubes (I’m kidding, people), I’m just going to be standing there in the way.

To solve this problem, I have appointed myself Jenny’s doula.

She doesn’t know this yet, but I think it’s a great plan. I don’t exactly know how to be a doula, but I have a couple months yet to figure it all out. I figured I might as well get started on my research, though, so I googled “c-section doula” and came up with a description of what a doula does during the procedure on

Here we go.

The Scheduled Cesarean Section
You may wonder why a Birth Doula would be helpful for a scheduled cesarean section (C-section). Take a moment to consider the relationship you have established with your Birth Doula (Jenny and I go WAY back, this is perfect!). You have built a trustful relationship with your Doula as you have prepared for your birth. Some women feel anxiety over the thought of surgery (Jenny? Anxiety?? Not likely). Your Birth Doula takes time during the prenatal visit and throughout the prenatal period through close phone and email conversation (Yes! We are in constant contact. Not necessarily about birth…) to review and work with you to help reduce your anxiety before your delivery (My advice? Pre-natal Paxil. Getcha some). Our Doulas use a six week relaxation program prior to your delivery date (sounds like a good excuse to go get manis and pedis to me. But I am not shaving Jenny’s legs for her in preparation), this relaxation program helps to reduce stress and anxiety brought about by the upcoming birth (for some mothers this may include working though some birth tramua brought on by a previous birth) (Um yeah, that might be applicable). She can educate you about some aspects of surgical birth and aid in formulating a birth plan (Birth plan: Get some drugs and let the doc grab that baby right out. Voila.). It is very important to review the birth plan with your health care provider in advance so your Birth Doula’s presence during the delivery will be planned for and expected (Jenny and I share the same OB/Gyn and I would like to see the look on her face if I went in her office with Jenny declaring I am now a doula). The final decision and permission for the Birth Doula’s attendance at the delivery is made by the anesthesiologist (I hope she gets Dr. Bob – we bonded during my epidurals, he’ll totally let me in). Birth Doula services provided by Birthing Gently are offered at a reduced fee for scheduled cesarean sections (My services are FREE!). Your Doula will be with you in the pre-op area before the surgery, and once regional anesthesia is placed, she will remain with you in the operating room during the delivery (where’s the part about her tying your tubes?). She has been educated about C-sections and will be able to provide you with details as needed (Something more than “Holy crap, that’s what a fallopian tube looks like??? I can see your uterus!”). Everyone will be busy during the procedure; the surgeon and assistants will be performing the surgery, the nurses will be preparing the room for the baby, and your partner will be with you during the procedure and may go to the warmer to greet your delivered baby (again, no need for a random cousin, which is why I am now a doula). Your Doula will be at your side to help you deal with some of the physical and emotional challenges during surgery (Hmm… I might leave that to Bobby). She can also remind the staff of any special requests you might have (“The tubes! If you forget to tie the tubes, she is going to be pissed.”). If you desire, she can take photographs, particularly after the baby is born (Now THIS I can do. I can even upload them to facebook as we go). Once you are moved into recovery, your Doula will remain with you until you are transferred to the postpartum floor (usually about 2 hours) (But I’m out if you start having bowel trouble, for realz). If you are planning to breastfeed and your baby is with you, your Doula can assist you in getting the baby latched on correctly (I can do that! But since she’s already nursed for a total of like 63 months, I think she’ll probably be good).

This doula stuff? Nothing to it!

If Jenny’s not on board with this, though, I am going to need a back up plan.

Let’s see… if I can’t be a doula, what could I do? Hmm… I’ve got it!

I will VLOG.

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