Insomnamania – 9 months pregnant edition

Well, good morning from 2:59 in the a-m.  I can’t sleep.  Been up for about an hour and my mind is going crazy with all the “what-if’s” that can be what-iffed when one is 38 weeks pregnant a few days before Christmas.

Sooo, I’m basically a very rotund lunatic at this point.

What is keeping me up tonight? Well, what GOT me up was the fact that my body will not be comfortable laying down after a few hours.  Sore hips this time.  And  then my brain started contributing to the chaos and now I’m just all worked up!  Which is probably not helping my blood pressure.  Which is part of the reason I’m worried.  It’s a vicious cycle!  Let me slow down here and attempt to make some sense.  I think this calls for a list!

So, with out further adieu, here is what one freaks out about at 3 a.m. when one is 9 months pregnant.  Especially during the fa la la la lalidays.

1) The aforementioned blood pressure.  It has been a little high.  I have a dr.’s appointment in the morning at 9:45 and I am fairly convinced now, at 3:04 a.m., that they are going to send me straight to the hospital to have the baby.

2) If #1 happens, who will pick up Sophie from preschool at noon??? What if I can’t get hold of anyone on my approved pick-up list?  OMG I am going to go put her teacher’s phone number in my phone RIGHT NOW.

3) I haven’t packed a THING for myself or baby for the hospital.

4) Emily got me a really nice pair of nursing PJ’s and I’ve been wearing them already, and they’re wonderful, but they need to be washed.  There are three pieces.  These three pieces are scattered somewhere between my bedroom and bathroom.  I cannot now tell you exactly where they all are.  IF #1 happens, how am I going to get my PJs clean and to the hospital?

5) I have to eat breakfast tomorrow.  Or I might pass out before I get to the dr.’s office.  But usually you aren’t supposed to eat or drink  like 8 hours before surgery so what if #1 happens and I eat, and then something totally gross or awful happens because I did?

6) What if I have to go straight to the hospital and Emily can’t get there?  Oh, the blogging opportunity that will be missed!

7) I need to go to the grocery.  Not enough food in the house for mommy to be away for a couple days.

8 ) My dining room table is a mess and the floor really needs to be swept.

9) The kids are totally not prepared for Bobby and I to be gone for a couple of days, yet.  They are both still in school this week.

10) Not having packed anything for the hospital may result in some very ugly photos being taken of me (hey I am still slightly vain at this point!)

11) Emily and I are supposed to host a Twitter party for our favorite Lands’ End on Wednesday and the world might end if she has to do it alone.

12) And most importantly, who will obsess over the timing and nature of my big kids’ bowel movements while I’m gone??  Nobody can do it like I can…just sayin’…

As you can see, I pretty much need to be institutionalized at the moment.  But I haven’t packed a THING for the looney bin either, so that could result in a whole other list of problems.

I guess I’ll let you know how it all turns out…it has to turn out better than I think it will at 3:21 a.m., right!?

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11 Replies to “Insomnamania – 9 months pregnant edition”

  1. Oh for Pete’s sake! Your Mom’s there!

    And again, Mrs. Duggar called, she says to get that clown car in gear and have that baby!


  2. if anything does happen today… get word to me and I’ll help you out. go to the grocery, sweep your floor, wash your jammies (you won’t want those for a few hours anyway;). seriously, you have TONS of people who love you and will pitch in. i know most of this was for a funny post, but there is truth under there too. ask me for help. i will!

  3. I imagine your mom has in fact done all of the things, including sweeping and buying groceries, on your list before, maybe even twice. Do what I always do in a crisis, call my mommy and magically it gets better.

  4. What Uncle Paul said.

    I will take a helicopter to the hospital if I have to! And don’t worry, I have my Flip camcorder in my purse, so I can still vlog it all.

  5. I LIVE 3 BLOCKS AWAY!! And now I have your list so you won’t even have to make a new one for us to take of things if necessary!

  6. I have been thinking those “early baby” thoughts myself. That is why my gifts are all wrapped! As everyone has said, we have got you covered!

  7. Mack, the only one around my house who has “swept twice” is the lady from the Cleaning Authority! We just love her!


  8. Just one call & you can tell Bobby to make it. Elizabeth, Jen, Shannon, Celia, Courtney & I are all waiting to do whatever you need. You are loved.

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