Baby’s First Christmas?

So you know how a couple of days ago I was worried about my blood pressure and how that might send me to the hospital early?  And all those crazy “what-ifs” I was having? (Oh, and P.S. I am also toootally writing this at 4: 10 a.m. eff why eye.)

Well, turns out my BP was indeed pretty high.  Not high enough to send me straight to the hospital, but high enough to send me right back to the doctor today instead of next Tuesday.  If it’s still high today, it’s possible I may be having the baby this weekend to avoid any bad news for me and baby if things go longer.

Or, I could be fine, and we could stick with my original c-section date of December 26th.  Which was actually my 2nd date, the first was December 23rd, but then my doctor had to go out of town so it was moved to the 26th.  Which I was majorly bummed about because I actually wanted to have this baby before Christmas even if it meant being in the hospital Christmas Day (we most likely would have come home Christmas Day.)

But anyhoo.  Now I have no idea when baby Jonah will make his debut, and really, when does anyone ever?  My water could break tomorrow and it could be go time regardless!  (Not that I have ever actually, you know, gone into labor or had my water break.  But I don’t put anything past little babies.)

I don’t have a lot of faith in ye olde blood pressure settling down, to be honest.  And, I would really like to have him when my wonderful doctor can deliver him as opposed to when she is out of town next week!  So we’ll see…at least mine and baby’s things are half-packed now…my pajamas have been found and washed, and Emily has sworn to commandeer a helicopter if necessary to get to this birth!

Stay tuned…

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9 Replies to “Baby’s First Christmas?”

  1. Trust everything goes well.
    Know your Dad will call when the little one arrives.
    Give Joshua and Sophie a hug for me.

  2. The last week is the worst! I hope you have him before Christmas, but if not, Dec. 26 is my birthday and it’s a pretty fun one. I think he’ll probably like it.

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