Today has been a very trying day for me.  First, I had to RACE to the preschool I was interested in sending Sophie to next fall because Cortney (who is also sending her son there) was actually on top of it and you know, called to see how many spots they had left and it was not many.  So we both raced over there…and signed the kids up…and I really didn’t even have time to feel emotional about it.

UNTIL.  I realized that this now means I have a definite “drop dead date” on when I have to have to world’s must STUBBORN child potty trained, and then, I felt not just emotional, but SUICIDAL.

Potty training Joshua was horrible.  (Don’t believe me? Click here! or here! or here!)  So, I thought with Sophie, I deserved a break.  I didn’t push it.  I wasn’t going to spend 6 months trying to get her to go potty.

When she turned three, and started grossing me out, I decided it was time.

Then we tried some intense training with her, and it made all of us MISERABLE.

And today was another day in misery.  One poop on the floor, one pee in her undies during “rest time”, and now, at 7:52 PM, she’s been running around pantsless, spent more time on the potty than not, and has been holding it for FOUR HOURS at least. Update: we finally put her to bed at 9 PM, she still had not peed. So over 5 hours she held it.  And then we put her in a diaper for bed, because we have no mattress pad!  Guess what I’m going to get today!!!!!???

I’m not gonna make it.  She’s never going to preschool, or I will never see her go, because this is gonna kill me.


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10 Replies to “I Demand REPARATIONS!!!”

  1. You get an extended break AFTER she is potty trained. The good news is that she can hold it for five hours; now it is a matter of wills! Stay strong sister!

  2. So…Owen was so stubborn in our pee-pee power struggle that he said “I’m gonna just pee on the floor!” Then he proceeded to do so. Then I said “You can clean it up!” He wasn’t expecting that! HA! Anyway, I had to be cut out of the equation for success. UGH! Would the in-laws or your parents be willing to help? Send her over there for a weekend? That SAVED my life! Not to mention he was pretty much trained after that.

  3. I feel your pain. My daughter was the same way…she would hold it all day rather than go. My advice is to just stick with the underwear. She will come around, as painful as it is for you. We made going to the potty as much fun as possible, with stickers that she could put on it just for trying, and special stickers for going. I know a lot of people don’t subscribe to the sticker camp, but it worked for us. Also, she liked to listen to her Veggie Tales music on my iPod while she did her business. You’ll be thankful later on for her ability to hold it…I love that Ev can go hours w/o going. Makes going out to the store easier…waaaay better than a kid who needs to pee whenever her bladder fills up a tiny tiny bit.

  4. Again, Aunt Judy trained me in a week, the ensuing psychotherapy has been expensive, but productive.

    I’m just sayin’

    Ya got a deadline and all!


  5. Hi! Thanks for sharing!
    I work on behalf of State Farm and it’s great to see people exchanging tips about challenging parenthood topics.

    Check out our Learning Center (http://www.statefarm.com/learning/learning.asp) for some helpful information.

    If interested, I can also share State Farm’s Top Ten Tips for New Parents.

    If you’d like to learn more, please feel free to drop me an email and I’m happy to help out!

  6. I’m there with my 3 year old son. Can I just say, one thing worse than just general potty training…the stomach bug during potty training. I’m THERE. Sixteen pull-up diapers in three hours. That’s GOT to be a record! I’m think I may have to send out for more pull-ups, wipes, cleaner, and something strong for me! 🙂

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