The Grass Isn’t Always Greener

The other day I was changing Sophie’s diaper when Joshua asked me something I had been waiting for him to ask me for, well, ever since Sophie was born…two and a half years ago. He looked at Sophie, then looked at me and said, “Why does Sophie’s pee-pee look like that?”

Finally! I was beginning to think maybe he was blind or just so self-obsessed that he didn’t even notice his sister was different from him down there.

“Well,” I answered matter-of-factly, “Girls have different private parts than boys do. You and Daddy have the same kind of pee-pee and Sophie and Mommy have the same kind of pee-pee.”

Joshua regarded his sister with a look that can only be described as pity mixed with relief. “It’s a good thing I’m not a girl,” he said with a shake of his head.

“Why do you think that?” I asked

“Because I would NOT want my pee-pee to look like THAT!” He gestured toward Sophie with a look of disgust.

I stifled a giggle. ‘Cause seriously ladies? How many times have you thanked the Lord that you DON’T have man parts? Yeah, I think I’ll stick with what I got (which according to my OB-GYN is pretty great)!

It’s nice to know Joshua is comfortable with what he’s got too…and that we won’t be on Oprah discussing transgender tweens in a few years.

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7 Replies to “The Grass Isn’t Always Greener”

  1. Ha! That’s funny!! After my daughter was born, my nephews had quite the conversations about Pea’s “who-ha”. They are twins…double trouble! They were playing trucks and A asked B what baby Paige had. B told A that she has nothing. A was insistant…it’s called something. And B looked at him and said. “You’re right! It’s called a NOTHING!” Thank goodness they didn’t ask me!

  2. I’ve run into this a couple times now with my daughter (who’s 5) and my son (who’s 20 months.) Marissa seems to brush the “difference” off like it’s nothing – but during one instance of Jake “accidentally” peeing in the bathtub during his bathtime, she made the comment – “I wish I could make a cool waterfall when I pee too!” Out of the mouths of babes… πŸ™‚

  3. so FUNNY! one of our daughters looked at her baby brothers privates and said, “When I get big I will get one of those.” That spurred our “talk”. You just never know what kids will say…

  4. Thanks for the giggle, Jenny!

    Yeah… someone needs to tell my 4-yr-old that standing to pee is not all it’s cracked up to be. I caught her “trying to pee-pee like Daddy” the other day. Yeesh…

    And, my 3-yr-old calls our friend’s son’s {ahem} area a “tail.”

  5. That cracks me up because every time I look at a winkie I think “that’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on” …..oh well….

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