Merry Christmas From Jenny!

If you are related to Jenny, if you’re her kids’ teacher, if you go to her church, if you have ever laid eyes on her, or if you even stumble across this blog… your house is going to smell great this year, because look what Jenny’s giving you for Christmas!

glade candles

That’s right. Jenny’s on a Glade candle kick again.

You may remember this post, when Jenny told us about buying 12 Glade candles. Or this one, in which she bought 10. Or in any number of other posts, in which, according to my rough estimation, she purchased at least 51 additional glade candles.

And you may also remember this post, in which I gently encouraged Jenny to SEEK HELP for her disorder.

But, alas, she did not heed my warning, and she is at it again.

That stash in that picture up there? She tells me that she got paid about $14 to buy them. You know, by using coupons and witchcraft and other assorted trickery.

I think she probably stuffed them under her shirt and took off.

And guess what she’s doing right this minute?? Going to Target to buy more.

The girl is nuts. Nuts, I tell you!

So Merry Christmas from Jenny. I hope you have some matches.

If you’d like to become addicted to get some Glade candles for free too, check out Marcy’s post here! NOT that I am promoting hoarding (*ahem*JENNY*ahem*).

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12 Replies to “Merry Christmas From Jenny!”

  1. I was at Target last night with my new coupon binder of awesomeness and I saw all the glade candles in stock and I saw all the sale and promotion signs for them. And then I thought…I really don’t have the energy to figure it out right now. Plus, I have plenty of candles. And I walked away.

  2. Another toxic gene pool result…I actually went to a CANDLE OUTLET STORE in North Carolina…about 20 years ago…I still have candles…but the dog smell is finally out of the house!


  3. Add 5 more candles to the count, baby! 5 candles, a bottle of Drano, two containers of baby wipes…75 cents. Try not to be jealous, Em!

  4. Who really needs that many candles? Just askin’…

    If I had the time, the patience or say a friend named Jenny to help me I might become a coupon addict!!! So, could you move to TX Jenny? I could really use a friend and some money saving strategy!!!

  5. Geez, Jenny, am I the only one on your side? Great job! I haven’t done any deals yet with the candles pictured, but I do have quite a stockpile of the soy candles. I started giving them away as gifts, but then I used one. They are the best candles! Now they are all for me!!!

  6. HAHAHA!!! She’s a smart shopper…I found it funny that Bobby went and she’s practicing her *witchcraft* on him now! Poor Bobby and the kids.

    The candles probably has some sort of hypnotic smells that they put off so the *participants* go with her to do other transactions but they leave dazed and confused.

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