Jenny and CVS: A Love Story

This coming week marks my one year anniversary of CVSing! Last year it was the week between Sophie’s birthday and Thanksgiving when I first darkened the door of a CVS and signed up for an ExtraCare card and began gettin’ my coupon on. It wasn’t long before I was hooked…now me and CVS are soulmates! Oh…the memories!! Sniff, sniff! Seriously, couponing has changed my life and I consider it and CVS a real gift from God. More on that in a later post, but for now I’ll just show you what I got this week.

made 9 bucks at CVS on this! oot!

I had to hoof it in on Sunday to get the two-day sale items before they ran out! Here’s what I got!
SmartWater $1.59
Listerine Kids rinse $3.99
Loreal Revitalift $11.99
St. Ives Body Wash $3.99
Total = 21.56
Coupons I used: CVS $4/$20
CVS $1 off Listerine 500ml or larger q (from Diabetes book)
$1 Listerine manu q
$2 off St. Ives manu q
$2 off Walgreens Loreal q
$1 off Loreal manu q (from Kmart beauty book)
Total = 10.56
I paid with 10 ECB and some change (I can’t find my receipt once again! Slacker!) and got back 19.58 ECB! Oot! That’s making money!

Later I went back to get some of my favorite beverage, Mountain Dew. I am soo classy, I know. I also got some of that Sierra Mist Free Cranberry cause that stuff is GOOD and it won’t make ya fat like Mountain Dew will! We needed a few other things, too.

CVS rules

Three Pepsi products $10
Listerine Kids Rinse $3.99
Bleach $2.29
Garnier Fructis hair spray $2.99
Milk $2.99
Total = $22.26
Coupons: CVS $4/$20
$1 CVS Listerine q
$1 Listerine manu q
$1 Garnier manu q
$3 catalina from Meijer (my CVS will accept as a competitor coupon)
Total = 12.26
I paid with my 11.99 ECB from the Loreal Revitalift and paid 43 cents in cash and got back 7 ECB. Not too shabby!!!

Next, I hit the Kroger Mega-Sale once again. Lucky for me, my beloved Glade Scented Oil Candle refills were part of the Mega-Sale AND on a catalina deal this week. YESS! So first I bought 10 Glade products, and with coupons and the $5 off for the Mega-event, paid $9.75 for 4 Glade jar candles and 6 GSOC refill packs. I got back a $4 Catalina to use on my next order! Here is a total of ALL the groceries I bought that night:

Kroger! $125 worth for $55

Both transactions combined came up to over $125 before coupons and promotions. After coupons & the promo, I paid $59.18 and got back another $4 coupon to use on my next order. 🙂 This is over budget for me but not really because we budgeted extra to get goodies for Sophie’s birthday party – so I came out under when all was said & done. YAY! Please don’t be too concerned about the amount of Glade refills – I SWEAR I am giving some away as gifts with the candle holders. 🙂

Well that is IT for me this week! I gotta go decorate a birthday cake now! Yikes, for more great couponing adventures, check out Money Saving Mom and The Centsible Sawyer.

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6 Replies to “Jenny and CVS: A Love Story”

  1. One can never have too many GSOC refills! 🙂 I can go through 3 packs per week!!! (but I normally don’t…that’d get expensive fast!)
    …thanks for the info on the cat for those…I may have to look into it more now!

  2. I went out the door with my son the other day to get the Revitalift and I had a flat tire! I was more upset that I couldn’t get to CVS for my free wrinkle stuff than I was about my car!

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