All I want for Easter

I am fairly sure parts of this post may be sacreligious, and for that, I am truly sorry.

But people, I am NOT in my right mind here.

Because I’ve been exercising. Not just my Pilates, but Wii Fit also.  And I’ve been eating better AND only having ONE can of pop a day. ONE!

It’s not that fun.  But, I have lost about three pounds.  So I will soldier on.

As much as one can soldier on while curled up in the fetal position crying for the want of a Cadbury Creme Egg and a Mountain Dew.

Because I want. It’s Easter season and my new “healthy lifestyle” has made my focus veer away from the spiritual and toward the sugarful.

I dream of floating in a Mountain Dew ocean surrounded by little Cadbury Creme eggs bobbing around me…

I need help. HELP!

And some oval-shaped milk chocolate filled with liquified sugar made to look like egg yolk.


(You know what’s really sad? This isn’t even the first post I’ve written about Cadbury Creme eggs!  This is.  And the Dew posts are countless, I’m sure.)

Easter Bunny, can ya feel me?  Hop on over!

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14 Replies to “All I want for Easter”

  1. I get the Cadbury Creme Egg, but the Mt. Dew!! Not so much. Maybe they’ll come out with a diet line…of the eggs…not the Mt. Dew…


  2. My love for Cadbury Creme eggs has no bounds. I LOVE THEM, like really, really LOVE them! Also, you are so better than me, because even though I’m dieting and eating better I still buy the eggs and they are my special treat. Easter only comes once a year so I have to enjoy them while I can!!!

  3. I love Cadbury Creme eggs! You should jump on the weight watchers with me and Emily and then you could have cadbury creme eggs, sometimes…maybe

  4. I am so with you. I can resist all other holiday candy if I need to – but Easter is the worst time of year because of those darned Creme Eggs! I love the mini eggs too…

  5. I haven’t had a cadbury creme egg in years, but I bought one a few weeks ago and it’s been tempting me from my purse. I gave up the regular soda a few years ago, but have been addicted to diet mountain dew. About a month ago, I decided to give up caffeine. It was really rough since it’s not that easy to find caffeine free drinks that taste okay. My serious addiction to diet mountain dew was getting to me and i wanted to give up quitting, but i found diet caffeine free mountain dew!

  6. When I was pregnant I used to have dreams that I was floating in a swimming pool filled with cake. I love cake even when I’m not pregnant. I would eat it for every meal if I could!

  7. You can do it! You will start to want it less and less as you feel better and better from the exercise! You just have to get past this part in the beginning!

  8. So I can totally see you stomping your feet and throwing a temper tantrum about this post as I type!

    Once you don’t eat sugar for a while and then you have some you will be sick. Trust me, I have gone without sugar, of any sort, since the end of January and theeeennnn it was card nite….and I had 6 count em 6, maybe more, cookies!! Now mind you I decided I could have these cookies because I have lost 25 pounds so I was ‘treating’ myself for my good deeds! Well let me tell you, I was sick on Saturday…soooo sick, I had cramping in my legs and everything else, I was pretty sure I was going to go into a diabetic coma for sure!! I lived to tell about it but I also realize the sugar intake…well it’s not really worth it…and p.s. I lost another 2 pounds once I drank a crap ton of water to get the sugar out of my system!!! 🙂


  9. ugh … i hear ya sister. at my 6 wk post partum appt i only lost 11 lbs total. 11 lbs. how is that possible — the baby weighed 6 lbs. then i got on the scale the other day and i was up another 4 lbs, and my father in law told me i looked like i gained weight. and i hate exercising, plus it’s really hard to diet when at home all day long. so i’m with ya…

  10. That is sooooo hilarious! As I opened this post, I myself am eating a Cadbury egg (my second for the day actually) and just went by the store to get myself a Mt Dew for tomorrow morning. Yes, those definitely are my two weaknesses. Just trying to get in what I can before I start P90X next week. I’m just glad Cadbury eggs are only around at Easter or I would be in serious trouble.

    1. Heather,
      CLEARLY we are soul mates. Oh wait, at least I thought we were until you said you were starting P90X! Cause I am saying NEVER on that one. But we should still hang out and throw down some Cadburrrrrrys and Dews sometime! 😉

  11. Ok, I feel ya. Even if I am on a diet around Easter the Cadbury’s knock me off the wagon and clear into, well, the next Cadbury Egg! And have you tried the little dark chocolate eggs by Cadbury that have the crispy pastel shell on them? I cannot believe the weight I am putting on just thinking about all this Cadbury luciousness…

  12. I feel for you! I have a major love affair with Easter candy in general, but Creme Eggs are seriously good. Mountain Dew I will pass on, but Cadbury’s chocolate… I’ll be right over!

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