Pavlov’s Bowels

I pretty much have the worst potty-training track record ever, unlike some people.  The potty training process with Joshua, and then Sophie, were two of my lowest parenting points.

So, with Jonah, I’m getting proactive.  I’m gonna have this kid in big-boy pants by the time he’s two!

Ok, not really. But somehow I’ve discovered that I CAN get him to poop on demand!  Well, not really demand.  But he’s sort of trained to poop when I lay him on his changing table.  Like Pavlov’s dog salivated when he heard the bell, Jonah moves his bowels when I lay him down on the changing table.  It. is. AWESOME.  And rather impressive, I must say!

Gearing up to pop out a poop!

I kid you not, if it’s diaper changing time, and he has not already pooped, I just lay him down there and within about 2 minutes he will produce a very loud, ginormous key-rap.  I first realized it after a couple times where I changed him TOO quickly and he immediately (and loudly) soiled the brand-new diaper.  And once when he pooped bare-buns on the changing table. EEEWWW.

Since he is SO very consistent with this, I have learned to take off his pants and pull his onesie way up to his shoulders because sometimes he will still shoot ’em straight up the back even when he’s laying there!  I learned this lesson the hard way – several times.

So there ya go. I’ve got my baby poop trained.  If being trained to poop in a diaper, on a changing table, is worth anything at all…it’s at least worth a laugh!

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10 Replies to “Pavlov’s Bowels”

  1. Jonah’s a prodigy! Molly not so much, she definately knows when the poop is coming, as in scream at the top of her lungs, “MAMA POOOOP”, which I’m not sure if she’s cursing at me for feeding her all that cheese or what. But she’s still afraid of the potty, I’m hoping daycare gets on the training train soon.

  2. You should totally turn into one of those moms who does infant potty training. Maybe that’s what you’ve been missing 🙂 I think they call it “elimination communication.” Get googling girl!

  3. This sounds very handy! My 6 month old will sometimes do this, too, but not like clockwork! It would be nice to get it all done right there on the changing table before it gets all squished around.

  4. Seriously, hold him over the toilet every time you change his diaper. You can watch youtube videos of this if you’re not sure how to hold him (search for elimination communication like Susie said). My 6 month old poops in the toilet 9 times out of 10, we have at most one poopy diaper a week. We didn’t really “train” her, we just held her over the toilet whenever we thought she might need to poop. Now she pretty much waits until she’s over the toilet to do it. She’s my first so I don’t know how this will help for real potty training, but it’s nice not to be changing many poopy diapers! It’s really easy, you won’t believe how nice it is to have them pooping in the toilet where it belongs. 🙂

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