Snot Fun in the Summertime

Last week my hubby was out of town for work. He rarely goes out of town but every time he does it seems like something goes wrong! First, the sink clogged up, but fortunately some Drano cleared that up. Then, the next morning, Joshua woke up with a fever and MAJOR snots. He was sneezing out gobs and gobs all day long. The poor child would cover his nose when he sneezed and literally end up with a hand FULL of yellow snot. Aren’t you glad I shared that with you? Of course the next morning, Thursday, Sophie woke up with it also. Sadly, she is unable to catch snot in her hand at this stage, so I had to change her outfit multiple times due to it being soaked with snot and drool (she is also teething really hard.) We went through two boxes of tissues in two days. Sophie slept horribly and I got very little rest. That bottle of Drano was starting to sound very tasty again.

Friday, they both seemed markedly better. Their noses were drippy but it was clear and their fevers were gone. So we set out to join my husband, who had by now returned to the general vicinity, and his siblings, nieces & nephews, at his dad’s cottage on Kiser Lake, about 35 miles from our home, for what I like to call Family Vacation 2: Electric Boogaloo. Every year on this weekend my hubby and father-in-law run a sailing school for their sailing club. (See photos on my Weekly Winners post). So we all get together and have a big family reunion. Joshua and Sophie had a great time playing with their cousins. Joshua spent the night there with Bobby but Sophie and I drove home since we are both terrible sleepers away from home. We returned Saturday for more family fun. Then, Saturday night on our way home, Sophie started to cough quite a bit. When we got home, I thought she felt warm and took her temperature. Sure enough, she had a fever. ARGHH! Sunday morning she woke up with one of her eyes sealed shut with goo and the yellow snot flowing a-fresh. So, we had to miss the big family festivities at the lake and stay in all day. I know it is just a cold and she will be fine (and thankfully she has not been very grumpy except when I wipe her nose, which is still sore from her July 4th boo-boo), so I am not really worried about her, as much as I am annoyed at missing out on fun stuff and being cooped up with her. Which of course I then feel guilty about!! I had to cancel a playdate last week with a friend I haven’t seen in over a month, and tomorrow I have to cancel another one with Sophie’s future husband and his mama, which I am extremely bummed about. BLERG!!!!

Today my little Sophie is still very snotty and coughing, but no fever. Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Bobby and Joshua will be home today also. I cant wait to see my boys and have another adult to converse with, at least until Bobby goes back to work tomorrow.

Blecch. Summer colds are the worst. It’s not so bad being cooped up in the winter, but I am snot having fun indoors on nasty nose duty in the summertime!

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3 Replies to “Snot Fun in the Summertime”

  1. I think I’d rather deal with the snot bug than the stomach bug me and the girls had at the beginning of the month. I hadn’t been that sick in YEARS!

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