Let the games begin. And by “games” I mean “torture”.

It’s a good thing it’s a well-established fact that I’m narcissistic, or else I might have to write a really long background to this post.

But, you all already know I’m into me. So.

Monday I started Operation HoboNot, which is my campaign to lose this last 15 lbs of baby weight (I gained 43).  So, I started exercising.  Which I hate.  Also a well-established fact.

I started doing Pilates, which is about the only form of exercise I can tolerate and stick with.  And let me just tell you, my core is hatin’ life right now. OWWW!  Tomorrow I am gonna take a day off the ol’ (non-existent, stretched out) abs and do an upper body Pilates workout.  Also, I would suggest if you have hardwood floors and haven’t done Pilates in ohh saaaaaaaaaay roundabout two years, you should use TWO Pilates mats instead of one.  Ow my back!

I’ve been *trying* to cut down on pop.  Well-documented fact # 3: I looooves me some sugar.  Especially when it is carbonated and ice cold.  So I’m trying to limit myself to one a day.  I’ll admit I’m not always successful.  When I’m really stressed, I go for a Mountain Dew or a Coke!  But, since I cut down on the pop 3 weeks ago, I lost 6 lbs.  It really DOES make a difference.  I don’t eat that badly but I *drink* a lot of calories!

Why can’t I live in a world where I can drink three Mountain Dews a day and sit on my butt and maintain a movie-star physique?


I’m trying to get back to me, but I have to do a lot of totally not-me things to get there.  Oh, the irony!  Will it be worth it?? Only time will tell.  Let the games begin!

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10 Replies to “Let the games begin. And by “games” I mean “torture”.”

  1. I walked my weight off. And I cut out soft drinks (carbonated) a long time ago…Iced Tea and Rednecklatte only…with fake sugar!!

    Good luck…ur beauty-full anyhoo!


  2. There are a whole list of exercises I will not do: spinning(my large bottom gets no smaller, but significantly more painful), eliptical (have fallen off two!), any sort of class involving other people (who thinks that’s fun?), swimming (should be a leisure activity), biking (see swimming), taebo(I just feel ridiculous), any team sport (you want the ball that badly, you can have it), etc.

    I walk or row for exercise. Activities it takes minimal balance or coordination for.

    Maybe I should try pilates. Good luck Jenny!

  3. I have been doing an online workout called “Belly Off” through Women’s Health magazine online. It is only three times a week and takes about 30 minutes. Some of it is very pilatesesque, but with a bit more of a cardio element. I HATE exercise, but this is not too hard and is definitely shows results. Free, at home, and easy= awesome. Good luck in your efforts! Also, coke zero is less icky than diet. Really.

  4. Isn’t there some fun activity you can do with your Wii? We have the Kinect and I do the sports on there which kick my butt, arms, legs and torso! But it’s fun and I enjoy doing it! Josie even gets in on the action!! Just a thought! Keep it going, you could always train for a half marathon with me?!! LOL!!!

  5. I am working on that exact same 15 pounds. Somehow my scale has stayed pretty much the same since 2 weeks postpartum, and we’re pushing 5 months here. I have never been able to walk weight off (unless paired with a super focused eating plan – which would probably have worked with or without the walking). In fact, with my first baby, I couldn’t even run it all off. Jillian Michaels was the woman who finally got it all off and me back in all my clothes. I wasn’t even as worried about my appearance as I was cheap – I couldn’t stand having all these clothes I couldn’t wear! Anyways, this was all the first time around. I’m currently trying to find the time for Jillian – time that doesn’t fall at 10 PM.

  6. Yes, I’m working on the same 15. I fear that I will actually have to diet (Shudder!) as I don’t think exercising will be enough. I think you should join the Y and go to classes with your cousin, especally zumba. Also, black coffee is 0 weight watchers points. Or, you could buy ritalin from the ADD kid down the street.

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