I’m a SAHM (for today)

I’ve got the day off today, woohooo! I have a million and one things I’d like to get done today, so I’m taking a page from Jenny’s SAHM manual and making a to-do list. I thought I’d share it with all of you so you can laugh at my optimism… I plan to update it from time to time today so you can see how many things I actually get done.

To set the parameters, it’s 7:59 right now, and I have to be out the door (all dressed up) by 2:15.

Here we go.

Mop kitchen floor
Take Kate for her flu shot
Call plumber about dishwasher (he should remember how to get to our house as he was JUST HERE fixing the hot water heater. But I digress.)
Change sheets on all the beds
Wash said sheets
Do 3-4 loads of other various laundry
— Clean up dining room area
— Clean bathrooms
Put dinner in the crockpot
— Vacuum living room and bedrooms
— Organize pantry
— Clean out freezer
Shower and get dressed in real clothes
Pick up Andy from school at 2:30 and then
Renew driver’s license
Vote (Ohio has early voting!)
Drop kids off at my dad’s
— Attend funeral visitation

Thus far today I have:
— Cuddled with the kiddos and watched Phineas and Ferb
— Written this blog post.
— Wiped Kate’s butt.

Ok that’s all I can think of for the time being. What’s that I hear? Laughing? No, Jenny, you may not collect bets on how many things I will actually accomplish.

Check back to see the progress I’m not making throughout the day!

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10 Replies to “I’m a SAHM (for today)”

  1. Oddly enough, I have the day off today as well! I am taking all three kids to the dentist. I voted yesterday after work, currently doing laundry, need to mop the floor (and other cleaning listed), and plan to carve pumpkins with the kids this afternoon. I would love to get done what you have listed, but I already know it won’t happen!!

  2. I would just like to say, it is 10 a.m. and I just got off the phone with Emily, who was on her way to the pediatrician to get Kate’s flu shot. But the reason for her call was to ask me if there are any printable coupons for Arm & Hammer detergent, because it on sale at CVS…Emily secretly loves CVS AND COUPONS!! And ME. (Or maybe she’s just using me for my coupon knowledge?!)

  3. What a list!! Hey, no need to finish it all, but at least you have it written down so you can pick and choose what you feel like doing at the moment.
    Me? I’m a stay at home non-mom today. My dh took the kids to Universal for the very first time!

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