WFMW: Saving Money on Your Kids’ Clothes!

In last week’s Works for me Wednesday I showcased my thriftiness when it comes to groceries. This week I thought I’d let you in on how I save money on my kiddos’ clothes. To illustrate, I’ve got some super cute pictures of said darling kiddos from our pumpkin-picking excursion the other day:


Don’t they look adorable and fashionably dressed? You are SO right, they SO do! Would you believe I got both of their jackets at Goodwill? I SO did! Sophie’s is from Baby Gap and looked like it had only been worn a couple of times. Joshua’s is a Circo (Target brand) and was new with tags when I bought it. I paid $2.49 for each jacket! Joshua usually has tons of hand-me-downs from his boy cousins, but this year he did need a few more pairs of pants, so I headed to Goodwill. There I got him several pairs, including the brands Carter’s, Gymboree, and the Children’s Place, and the most I paid was $1.99. If you’re a regular reader, you know Emily and I also frequent a couple of consignment sales in our area (you can read our accounts from this year’s sales here and here), and I also love to garage sale, but thrift stores (I like Goodwill the best because it is the most nicely organized in our area) are often a really good place to look for a specific item you need. In Joshua’s case it was pants, in Sophie’s case, it was long-sleeved full-length rompers I was looking for (I found two). Sure, they’ve been worn before, but in most cases they’ll still have as much wear in them as you need them to! So, if there are a few items of clothing missing from your kids’ wardbrobes, I suggest you hit your local thrift store to see what they have to offer. It works for me!
For more great Works for Me Wednesday tips, check out Rocks in My Dryer.

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16 Replies to “WFMW: Saving Money on Your Kids’ Clothes!”

  1. Me too. I never buy full price–everything my kids and I wear is thrifted. 🙂 Mostly it is brand new or nearly new. I love my thrift shop, especially now that all three kids are in serious growth spurts.

  2. These are great ideas. And it especially makes sense to buy clothes at thrift stores for the preschool wardrobe, as everything gets pretty trashed. Thanks for the tip!

    Now I’m off to check on your grocery savings tips.

  3. I agree! Goodwill/yard sale shopping spoiled me for KMart & Walmart. Now I only like the “good stuff”. Good thing I can actually find it for less than the cheap stuff new. And you’re right, no one knows if you wore it a couple of times or someone else did.

  4. Wow–$1.99? I’ve always avoided shopping at thrift stores because I figure I can buy brand new on clearance just as cheaply, but your tip throws that idea out the window. Thanks!

  5. I can’t say I have been to any thrift stores, but last weekend, I made out like a bandit at our school’s Grandma’s Attic sale. I bought about 15 pieces of clothing for the girls and about 10 books all for $11. It works for me!

  6. I do thrift stores a lot too, although I haven’t had much luck with our local Goodwill stores – the clothes aren’t generally in very good shape and I’ve never seen name-brand stuff there. But there are a couple of other stores that I go to a lot! 🙂

  7. Me too! I just hit up Goodwill last weekend for PJs for my 11 month old. I had previously checked Target…$6.99 a pair for the thermal long john type. At Goodwill, I got 5 pieces (mismatched pants and tops) for less than $6! My son has veeerrry few brand-new clothing items. It just doesn’t make financial sense!!

  8. What beautiful kids! I too am the queen of thrift. I’ll see things at Target on sale and be like nine dollars? For a dress? You’ve got to be out of your mind!

  9. I’m usually in Goodwill this time of year looking for old clothes that I can cut up and make dresses for angel tree toppers out of for Christmas. I should stop in the kids section and take a look at their selection. Thanks for the tip!

  10. The same her.
    I wouldn’t have been able to cope without hand downs and goodwill.

    The shop here washes and irons everything before it goes in the shop.
    It’s abit more than 1.99 and 2.99, but everyhting is so cared for, I don’t mind.

  11. I do the same thing! My husband bought all my son’s winter clothes for this season at our local thrift store and spent $20. He got 13 pieces of clothes and it was all name brand- OshKosh, Carters, Gap, etc. You can find some great stuff at thrift stores.

  12. I can never find anything decent at thrift stores. I must not be doing it right. I do buy 75% of my girls clothes at garage sales though. I score big time there. I just head over to the richy rich neighborhoods and go to town. Ebay is another good find. Sometimes you can find steals on there too.

  13. So true… half the stuff we bring over there when we do our quarterly purge is BRAND NEW. They grow so fast, you can’t even go through all the clothes you get from friends, family and of course, the GRANDMAS!

  14. Ever been to Kidz Again in Centerville near Kroger and Elder Beerman? Great prices, like new clothes, all brand name!!!

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