Weekly Winners: Tom’s Corn Maze

As Emily wrote, we had a phenomenal time last week at Tom’s Maze at the Lose for Good par-tay. Here are some pics I took while we were in the maze!

A very fuzzy caterpillar. I wonder if he was Very Hungry?

Fuzzy 'pittar

Also? There was A LOT of corn there!



thru the stalks

weird corn
(I bet this one got made fun of a lot amongst his fellow ears. So sad. Corn can be so CRUEL!)

There were some cute kids, there too!

(Thanks Elizabeth for the sunglasses! Sheesh!)


It was a great day! Thanks again to Weight Watcher, Emily and Amy for the great party!

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10 Replies to “Weekly Winners: Tom’s Corn Maze”

  1. You were at Tom’s Corn maze too? Oh yeah! Love the shots! I’m jealous!! I tried those close ups too but since I don’t have a camera yet…blah blah blah, you’ve already heard me complain about that :-)!
    It definitely was a great time! Evan is still talking about it!

  2. You know, I’ve never been to a corn maze, but I always wanted to go. I love your shots of the corn! Wonderful color and contrast!

  3. love going to Tom’s corn maze its soo much fun!! Havent made it so far this year but would love too take my lil boy!

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