Weekly Winners: Party Time!

This week’s Winners were taken at my dear friend Cortney’s (who you may have noticed I mention in, like, every post) son Carter’s 3rd birthday party.  It was approximately seventybazillion degrees out, so Cortney bought a kiddie pool, got out the sprinklers, and put on a great party!  Here are some of the cuties who came out to celebrate Carter.

My big guy, Joshua

sweet Joshua

Carter’s big brother Evan was packin’ heat to stay cool!

The Evanator

Bathing beauties, Sophie:

sophie girl

and Celia’s girl, Ana:


The birthday boy looks like he’s up to something:

sneak attack!

The kiddos get creative with the sprinkler:

dueling sprinklers


The girls share a laugh (certainly at the boys’ expense!)

cracking up

We had a great time at the party! Happy Birthday Carter!

To see some more great photos from around the blogosphere, check out the Weekly Winners HQ at I Am Lotus.

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