Weekly Winners – My Friends Have Cute Kids

Yesterday my wonderful hubby invited a few family and friends over to celebrate my birthday. We had a great time. And there were kids EVERYWHERE! So we I had some great kiddie photo ops. Here are a few of my favorites from the festivities.

Here’s Emily’s little Sammers. He was loving the bubbles!


And Cortney’s little guy Carter was loving the sidewalk chalk (in a slightly unconventional way):

mommy told me to!

My friend Andrea’s little guy Leland was keepin’ it real, ’cause he knows it ain’t a party until someone takes their clothes off!

Leland brings Belmont to the party

My friend Beth’s little boys, Eban and Benji – I had to capture them while they were sitting still!

Eban and Benji

This is Joshua’s kindergarten buddy Ethan making some sweet bubbles!

Ethan and bubbles

And here are my own cuties playing with my father-in-law, their “Pop”:

Playing with Pop

It was lots of fun! For more Weekly Winners, go visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom.

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9 Replies to “Weekly Winners – My Friends Have Cute Kids”

  1. “It ain’t a party ’til someone takes their clothes off.” Oh, yeah!

    Did I see his folks at the Skynyrd Concert?


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